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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 198


Chapter 198 

Chapter 198 

Damon personally drove Chloe to the company

However, on the way, Chloe suddenly received a call from Rose


Chloe, are you alright?” 

Chloe frowned and asked Rose confusedly 

What happened?” 

“Don’t you know? Check online! Remember, I’m here if you need help?” 

Rose was rarely this excited, so something big must have happened 

Chloe hung up the phone with a serious expression and opened the webpage 

The initial public opinion was about what happened at the Summers familly annual party last night, and naturally, the finger was pointed at Keira. The online curses were endless 

But then, the wind suddenly changed direction

The headline of the post was too eyecatching

Engaged for eight years, the Olson Group president’s fiancée cheats, and her private life is extremely messy!” 

There were also several photos in the post

The photos were obviously sneak shots, showing Chloe in close contact with different men 

When Chloe saw these photos, her face turned pale instantly 

She was not unfamiliar with the men in the photos, and the authenticity of the photos was beyond question 

However, these were all photos of her dealing with clients at the Olson Group company and being taken advantage of by them

Such photos with such shocking headlines severely damaged Chloe’s image

But that wasn’t the end of it. The text in the post directly pointed out that Chloe had had sexual relations with some of these people

Her hand gripping the phone tightened

Then, another online public opinion war broke out, and the direction of public opinion instantly reversed

[Oh my God, it turns out Ms. Summers cheated first!

[She’s got such an amazing man like Mr. Olson, and she’s still messing around with others, how disgusting

[Not only messing around but with so many men! She looks decent, but she’s actually a frivolous woman!

[They say she’s a strong woman, but all this is probably achieved by sleeping with others, right?!

[Thank goodness Mr. Olson didn’t end up with her!

Chloe sneered, so that’s why Rose was angry just now

Chloe found it hilarious 

Now, the words that Keira suddenly cried out to her at yesterday’s annual party really came in handy


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