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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 214


Chapter 214 

Chloe instantly held her breath 

You are you serious

Damon frowned. They bullied you and took advantage of your body. They should be punished accordingly, it’s only fair 

Chloe sat in silence for a while before she finally asked again

You really had someone best those guys up?” 


Although he said it simply, his attitude made it believable 

Chloe took a deep breath, leaned forward, and moved closer to Damon over the dinner table, looking at him cautiously before she could confirm again

Including that guy from B City?” 

Damon paused and looked up at her. He shook his head and said, I didn’t beat him up 

Chloe’s expression immediately softened She sat up straight, looking down at her intertwined fingers 

She felt relieved 

Apart from that guy, everyone else deserved the punishment 

Damon looked down at the plate in front of him and then spoke in a pleasant voice

Tve already warned them Later on, I personally go to B City to settle this issuer 


Chloe suddenly stiffened, and she looked up at Damon with wide eyes 

You sent a warning? And you’re going to handle it personally?” 

Yes Don’t worry I won’t let any of those bullies off the hook 

Chloe quickly shook her head after a brief pause, No, that’s not what happened. It was a misunderstanding between him and me. Actually, at that time.. 

He held you inappropriately 

It was the kind of hug that had her lying in his arms horizontally


Actually, I wasn’t feeling well at that time… 

He held you 

His wife was there too… 

He held you 

Chloe’s head ached

This guy was really determined

How could she convince him not to take action

He was going to deal with the issue personally and had sent a warning beforehand. Chloe couldn’t imagine what the confrontation between Damon and that guy would look like

It was too shocking 

She didn’t even try thinking about it

A few moments later, Chloe seemed to realize something and suddenly asked

After some timewhen exactly?” 

In half a month, on his grandfather’s birthday. I’ll be there

Chloe paused and blinked unconsciously

Damon noticed this cute action

What are you thinking about?” 

Chloe shook her head, Nothing much. I find it quite a coincidence.” 

How so?” 


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