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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 230

Chapter 230 

Rose said, her eyes getting a bit red but still smiling

Don’t be fooled by her tough exterior. She’s just been hurt a lot, and with no one to protect her, she has to protect herself. Actually, she’s more fragile than anyone else. Sodon’t bully her Treat her well, and protect her! I’m not qualified to entrust her to you, but if you ever make her sad, I have the right to take her away from you.” 

Chloe felt a lump in her throat

Rose’s words said hit her right in the softest part of her heart

She was grateful for this huge blessing the world had given her


Chloe let out a long sigh, overwhelmed with emotion, at a loss for words. She could only reach out, wanting to hold Rose’s hand

But a large hand grabbed her outstretched hand halfway

Chloe turned to look at Damon, who was holding her hand with a casual expression, pulling it back and placing it firmly on his thigh

Then he picked up a wine glass, raised it, and smiled at Rose

You won’t get that chance.” 

Rose chuckled, I hope so.” 

They each drained their glasses, and tonight’s dinner ended

At the Red Carpet Entertainment parking lot, Damon, with Chloe by his side, looked at Rose and smiled lightly

We’ve all had drinks tonight, so I’ll arrange for someone to take you home.” 

Rose didn’t refuse, Thanks for going to the trouble, Mr. Harper.” 

In that caseRose, take your pick.” 

Pick what?” 

As soon as Rose’s words fell, many people appeared out of nowhere, standing neatly in front of them

All men, tall and goodlooking

Rose, just choose whoever you like, and take them away without hesitation.” 

*What do you mean?” 

Don’t overthink it. I’m just letting you pick a man you find pleasing to the eye to drive you home.” 

Rose held back her anger and said, It’s just a driver. What’s there to be pleasing or not?” 

Damon shook his head, Rose, aesthetics need to be cultivated. Even if it’s just a driver, since we have this condition, it’s best to choose someone who looks good.That’s true, but why are you so eager to offer me this condition?” 

You’re Chloe’s best friend, so I want to give you the best treatment.” 

*Well, thanks for your kindness.Rose said, glancing over the people in front of her, and casually pointed at one, Him.” 

Damon looked at the man and nodded, Rose’s taste in menis indeed unique.” 


Well, Rose, see you.” 

Goodbye!Rose said heavily, striding towards the car arranged by Damon

Damon didn’t say anything else

Nate went to open the car door for Rose, and before she got in, he said, Rose, please check your email when you get back.” 


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