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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 266


Chapter 266 

Chapter 266 

Nate watched Chloe leave and then said, Sir, Mr. Carlos, the CEO of Diamond Dreams, called you. It seems like it’s because you unilaterally terminated the cooperation agreement at the mall today. Should I call him back now?” 

Under the big tree, Damon stood up straight, his face expressionless. The setting sun’s rays swept past him, forming a stunning silhouette in the dim light

With Chloe gone, the gentleness and care disappeared too 

Nate’s nerves gradually tensed up

I’ll contact him tonight.” 


Beautiful music echoed in the corridor, causing Chloe to slow down her pace

It was a piece she wasn’t very familiar with 

Having been exposed to the piano since childhood, she was no stranger to famous tunes from the past to the present

But this piece seemed to have never appeared in her memory

Was it an adaptation or an original

Chloe stood outside the piano room for a long time, until the plane sound stopped, and she let out a soft sigh

The dean knocked on the door at that moment

The door opened, and a young woman’s voice came out

Dean, what’s up?” 

Ms. Randle, you’ve worked hard today. Someone is here to see Hugo.” 

Oh, okay.” 

The woman inside responded softly, moved aside, and fully opened the door

When Chloe saw the woman inside, her brows couldn’t help but furrow

And when the woman saw Chloe, her expression also slightly froze

Jeanette Randle was an artist under Pulse Entertainment

They had met twice in the entertainment industry. Chloe knew that Jeanette’s development had always been mediocre

In this industry, without background, it’s extra hard to find opportunities

Even if her mother was once a very influential musician, so what

That was her mother’s talent, not hers

To be honest, Chloe didn’t dislike her, but in the few times she saw her, she was always following Keira

Miss Chloe.” 

Jeanette greeted Chloe

Chloe had no grudge against Jeanette and just nodded

Do you know each other?the dean asked with a smile

Not really.” 

Chloe said simply and walked straight into the room

Jeanette didn’t react much either. Well, Dean, you guys go ahead. I’ll leave first.” 


After that, Jeanette returned to the classroom, gently stroked Hugo’s head, and said, Hugo, I’ll leave first today. I’ll come to hangout with you tomorrow.” 

Hugo nodded, his eyes filled with anticipation

Since Hugo couldn’t see, he was always very alert to others. Seeing his reaction, Chloe was somewhat surprised

After Jeanette left, Chloe sat down next to Hugo

Hugo, can you tell who I am?” 

Hugo nodded and grabbed Chloe’s clothes


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