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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 271

Chapter 271 

Chapter 271 

Chloe never in a million years expected this. She planned to surprise this guy, but the sight in front of her left her flabbergasted

Damon, with a look of total shock on his handsome face, was sporting a rare look of embarrassment

A few seconds later, Damon’s eyebrows twitched, and he looked at Chloe again, his eyes slightly narrowed 

Did you know I was here all along?” 

Chloe blinked, and due to their perfect height difference, she saw Damon’s bare chest as soon as she opened her eyes

1Her brain seemed a bit slow to respond

Damon gave a slight smile, and pulled her into the room

Chloe was pinned between the door and him, without any gap to escape

When did you find out 1 lived here, huh?” 

Looking down at her, Damon’s lips curled into a soft smile

His scent was refreshing, making his silhouette even more defined. Facing his smooth tight skin, Chloe had to force herself to look away 

However, when she looked up and met his gaze, it felt like she was diving into a deeper abyss

From the first day I moved inChloe answered in a small, embarrassed voice

Damon squinted his eyes slightly, paused for half a second, Cufflink?” 

Chloe nodded 

Damon then looked at what she had in her hand and took it from her

What’s this?” 

7 just went to the supermarket. We agreed to have dinner together. I’ve thought about what to make, barbeque, pasta, foie grasI asked the chef at grandma’s place last time. I’ve got it all in my head, it might take some time, so just wait for a while.” 

Damon’s deep eyes became even more profound; his hand on her waist slightly tightened

Chloe felt his change, and quickly slipped out of Damon’s arms to the kitchen

T’m going to cook.” 

Damon didn’t chase her, letting her escape from his arms

He turned and watched her slightly flustered back, and smiled

Then he went to the living room

Chloe took out everything from the bag, went to the dining room to find scissors for the foie gras, but then heard Damon’s deep voice

She only heard the name of a jewelry brand, the one she had just visited that afternoon

She frowned, and thoughtfully returned to the kitchen

Chloe was busy in the kitchen for a while, and when she turned to find a container, she suddenly saw Damon at the kitchen door

Her face stiffened, and her eyes involuntarily swept over his collar, Could you go change your clothes first?” 


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