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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 294

Chapter 294 

There was a low chuckle from the other end of the phone, Yes, and it’s very important.” 

The old lady rolled her eyes, You little scoundrel! What is it?” 

Of course it’s because I miss you!” 

Even though the old lady was playing hard to get, her face was already filled with a delighted smile

You really know how to sweettalk, don’t you, you little rascal. When are you coming to see me?!” 

Nathan Harper’s laughter rang out again, Easy, grandma! Once I’m done with my stuff here, I’ll come to see you. I’ll bring a big surprise for you.” 

Upon hearing this, the old lady’s eyes sparkled, What surprise? Does this mean I’m going to be a greatgrandmother?” 

The other end of the phone fell silent for a moment, No, not that.” 

Hearing this, the old lady’s face darkened instantly. Sensing something was wrong, Nathan quickly said

Grandma, let my brother have kids firstit wouldn’t be fair if I had one first, would it?!” 

What kind of logic is that? So he doesn’t have any kids, and you can’t have one first?! You two brothers, giving me a headache” 

GrandmaI’ll come to see you in a few days, don’t worry. I’ll talk some sense into my brother, make him give you a bunch of greatgrandchildrenI’ve got stuff to do, really busy, gotta go, bye grandma… 

A bunch of greatgrandkidsWhat could you possibly be busy with, you little rascal?!” 

Nathan spoke too quickly, and before the old lady could respond, the call ended

Alyssa angrily tossed the phone to Hannah, grumbling, Might as well not call at all! He just knows how to get on my nerves!Hannah caught the phone, smiling helplessly. Mrs. Harper, you bring this up every time he calls, so he’s probably scaredScared? Then he should hurry up and give me a greatgrandchild!Alyssa grumbled a bit, but didn’t seem as angry as before

Chloe, sitting aside, felt a bit anxious

She knew how much the old lady wanted a greatgrandchild from the first day she met her

So, in the old lady’s eyes, were she and Damon really taking too long

Damon got an unexpected call and stepped outside to answer it


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