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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 307

Chapter 307 

Lance felt a bit on edge looking at Chloe’s cold yet serious face

You saidyou like him?” 

They had known each other for so many years, and he had never heard Chloe say that before

Chloe, not wanting to delve into this anymore, just looked at him coldly without saying a word

Who is it? The guy in the car?” 

Lance seemed determined to get to the bottom of this

Who he is has nothing to do with you, and you have no right to know.” 

Chloe didn’t want to say more. She walked around him, opened the car door, and got in

Lance stood there, stunned for a moment, until the car drove past him. He suddenly realized this and hurriedly turned around, but only saw the side of the man’s face on the driver’s seat

It seemed like he was looking at him too, but at the moment he turned his head, the man also turned his head away

Although he didn’t know who the man was, Lance could clearly sense that the man’s aura was different from ordinary people’s

It was the man he saw at the mall yesterday

But who was he

Back at the Summers family’s home, the atmosphere in the living room was unusually heavy

Lance knew they all disliked Chloe, and he felt even more oppressed

He didn’t ask any further questions. He just said goodbye and left the Summers family’s home alone in his car

Watching Lance leave, Keira noticed his strange expression and asked worriedly what he and Chloe had talked about. Lance just shook his head, told her to get some rest, and then he left. Keira returned to the living room with a heavy heart, noticing the unhappy faces of the three elders

Viviana looked even more upset compared to them

Mom, are wereally going to give those companies and shops to Chloe?” 

After saying this, she looked at Nick, hoping he could respond

Upon hearing this, Keira’s eyes instantly sharpened

They asked her to come back today to discuss Starlight International. Why are they bringing up the companies and shops again

Carolina said with a frown, No way! Those companies and shops were only established after that woman married into our family! After she died, they naturally belonged to us!” 

Hearing this, Viviana breathed a sigh of relief but still asked cautiously, But what about what Chloe just said? Her mother seems to have made a will with a lawyer, once Chloe gets married, the companies and shops will automatically transfer to her. This” 

Carolina frowned. Thinking about this gave her a headache, she couldn’t help rubbing her brow

After a moment of thought, she slowly said, She won’t get married soon, we can deal with the lawyer before she gets married.” 

For so many years, since Chloe’s mother died, she had treated those things as their property, but she didn’t expect her to have such a backup plan


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