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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371 

A glint of delight flashed in Damon’s eyes as he leaned in to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. 

“Go rest on the bed for a bit.” 

Seeing Chloe nod in agreement, he turned and headed for the bathroom. 

By the time he emerged, Chloe was already lying on one side of the bed. Her delicate silhouette on the sheets was like another presence in his 


Before meeting her, he could never have imagined all that was happening now, 

That such a woman would appear in his life. 

He glanced at the figure occupying a small corner, his lips moved slightly. 

“Already asleep?” 

Chloe was facing away from him, her fingers tightly clutching the blanket. 


Chloe’s gentle voice echoed in the bedroom. The other side of the bed suddenly dipped as the blanket was lifted, a strong arm draped over her waist, with a gentle push, she was flipped into his arms. 

She let out a yelp, instantly enveloped by the distinct masculine scent, a mix of fresh shower gel, warm moisture, and her own scent 

“Why so tense Where’s the courage you had before, huh?” 

There was a hint of complaint in his voice. 

She glanced up at him, resting her hand on his waist, giving a light pat 

“Be patient a little longer.” 

I’ve been patient.” 

Chloe could hear his voice full of grievance, a twinge of guilt in her heart. She shifted her gaze, then said. 

*Rose called me today, you asked me to join the perfume competition with Keira?” 

His hand slowly relaxed on her waist, allowing her to rest on his arm. 

“Yes. Take this opportunity to settle the plagiarism issue once and for all.” 

Chloe looked up at him in surprise, “That’s your purpose?” 

“What? You don’t think you can win?” 

“It’s not that, but your decision seems to have upset Rose.” 

Damon raised an eyebrow, “She wants me to pull strings for her?” 

Chloe hesitated, then shook her head, “Rose doesn’t support nepotism, but since she has this resource, not fully utilizing it might make her feel 


She paused, then looked at him, “Would you pull strings for her?” 

“Why should I? She’s not you.” 

Hearing this, Chloe couldn’t help but smile, a warm feeling surging in her heart. 

“Looks like I’ll need to prepare well, strive to get into your company. Then I can officially be your coworker, right?” 

“Mmm, I like the sound of that. Once the competition is over, come straight to me, be my special assistant. Okay?” 

“Special assistant? Like Nate?” 


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