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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 280S 

In fact, it wasn’t just Chloe, everyone was puzzled by Keira’s appearance in the meeting room

They were familiar with Keira

She had been in the industry for five years. Although not a veteran, she was one of the hottest actresses and the top star of Pulse Entertainment

Pulse Entertainment was owned by the Summers family. They promoted their own. What was wrong with that

Moreover, she was indeed beautiful, slim, always dressed in highend clothing and had impeccable demeanor. She had been very popular since her school days, excelling both academically and artistically. If they were in their shoes, they would also promote her heavily

Everyone’s attention was once again focused on Keira. Some praised her demeanor, some her beauty, and some even mentioned how much their sons and daughters liked 


Whispers filled the room, but they clearly reached Keira’s ears, making her feel even more triumphant, her smile becoming even sweeter Meanwhile, Chloe simply kept her head down, opening the notebook and pen Tristan had handed her, doodling on it, seemingly unaffected. Alright, it’s time, let’s start the meeting” 

Gavin, Lance’s assistant, spoke up, and the noisy room gradually quieted down

Lance sat in the main seat, his face as expressionless as ever, but his eyes kept drifting towards Chloe, his gaze somewhat complicated. But Lance didn’t say anything, which led to a few whispers in the quiet room 

Mr. Olson 

Gavin leaned in and gently reminded him

Lance lowered his head, was silent for a moment, and then stood up

Everyone turned their attention to him, even Chloe looked up

Lance walked over to Keira and said, Let me introduce you all to Miss Keira. I’m sure you all recognize her

People nodded, of course, they did 

A few brownnosers quickly chimed in, The hottest star right now, it’d be hard not to recognize her” 

True We used to only see her on screen, seeing her in person is truly an honor.” 

So, Mr Olson, does Keira’s presence mean that she will be endorsing our company’s products?” 

Lance’s expression finally relaxed a bit

You’re not wrong to assume that, but she has an even more important role this time” 


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