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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 

Chloe’s resignation news spread like wildfire within The Olson Group company 

As she made her way back to her office, a bunch of people surrounded her, trying to get her to change her mind

But she was determined, not taking anyone’s advice 

Of course, some folks mocked and ridiculed her, but she didn’t really care

By the time she went through all the trouble to get back to her office, Keira and Lance were already in there

Keira stood next to Lance, whispering instructions to the employees to clear out the office 

I don’t need this desk or the cabinet. I want brand new perfume materials, old files reprinted, and books repurchased.” 

Then she turned to Lance, smiling. Sorry, I’m just not used to using other people’s stuff” 

Lance smiled back, “No problem, everything will be done as you wish” 

Chloe watched them coldly feeling that Lance and Keira’s behavior was a bit off today

It was a noticeable estrangement 

Are you daydreaming? Get moving Lance looked at the hesitating employees, frowning and scolding them softly

The two employees glanced at each other, undecided 

You guys 

SeanA calm voice came out

Everyone in the office turned to the door, where Chloe had walked up to Sean 

Ms Summers 

Do you have a lighter? Chloe asked expressionlessly

YesSean handed her a lighter

Chloe took the lighter, opened the cabinet, pulled out a folder, and walked up to Lance 

These are the perfume recipes I’ve researched over the years. They’re all here, including the discarded and unused ones Do you see them?” 

What are you trying to do Lance slightly narrowed his eyes, watching Chloe cautiously 

Chloe stared back at him, and in front of Lance, she lit all the files on fire 

The flames reflected on their faces, making the scene particularly solemn 

When the papers turned to ashes, Chloe returned the lighter to Sean, saying 

It’s my right to deal with my stuff, so nobody else can mess with it” 

She finished, casting a cold glance at Keira, her face was gloomy 

Chloe turned to Sean, Throw everything in the office away, so it doesn’t get dirtied by others.” 

Alright!Sean hesitated but agreed

After that, Chloe picked up her coat and bag, and calmly left the office

Lance watched her determined figure, thought for a moment, and followed her out. He caught up with Chloe at the staircase and grabbed her hand 

Let go Chloe frowned, her expression cold

Lance tightened his grip on her hand instead

Chloe, do we really have to part on such bad terms?” 

Chloe quickly withdrew her hand, stepped back to keep some distance from Lance, her face filled with indifference and mockery 

Do you mean not letting me interfere with you and Kera?” 

Chloe drove straight back to her apartment, her thoughts racing as she went 

She remembered the incident from six years ago that Annarie mentioned today. She was infamous back then

Her eyes flickered, not wanting to recall the past. She took a deep breath, sped up, and her black car sped through the city streets

As soon as Chloe entered her apartment, she took a shower 

Granny Harper was right, she didn’t need to dwell on those filthy matters

There really was nothing worthy of her lingering 

But she had to take responsibility for her past She couldn’t let her past be too wronged 

There were some things she couldn’t completely let go of 

and one day she’d prove her innocence for her past sell 


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