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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 48


Chapter 48 

To be precise, we’re not really a company, but more like a sole proprietor.” 

Dead silence 

Sole proprietor

Everyone was dumbfounded How could this be possible

They, as the Harper Group, were actually going to do business with a sole proprietor

Although it wasn’t impossible, this kind of thing usually happened at the grassroots level. How did it reach the CEO

Looking at the CEO’s reaction… 

What kind of deal does Mr. Harper want to make with a smalltime sole proprietor?” 

Nate smirked even more 

What kind of deal

Love, of course

What else could it bel 

Yeah, even a big deal would only be worth a few million, right?” 

A few million

That was hard to say

How much was Miss Chloe worth in the CEO’s heart

But even if others didn’t know, Nate was well aware 

The CEO attended every meeting Which meeting wasn’t importam

The value of every minute at the Harper Group’s senior management meeting was immeasurable

Even a small mistake in a department’s report could result in losses of not just millions, but perhaps billions

Now the CEO had ended the meeting early because of Miss Chloe. If you really had to put a price on it Wait a second

Miss Chloe had already successfully completed her task, so the CEO shouldn’t have to worry 

Why did he suddenly end the meeting

Nate didn’t answer everyone’s questions, he just turned around and left the conference room

The president’s office exuded a low profile yet elegant atmosphere 

At this moment, Damon stood in front of the large floortoceiling window, his tall figure adorned with a natural air of nobility. He simply stood there, his imposing figure radiating strength 

Damon had an aura that made people instinctively want to submit, impossible to resist or question 

When Nate walked in, he only glanced at Damon’s back, and all his previous misunderstandings vanished instantly 

Damon had his back to Nate, so Nate didn’t notice the black cell phone Damon was holding 

Just as he was feeling guilty about his earlier mockery of the president, Damon put the phone to his ear 

Chloe could finally relax. After staring at her phone for a long time, she had unknowingly fallen asleep 

Sleep had always been a luxury for her due to her highpressure job

Now that she could finally relax, her mind wasn’t occupied with thoughts of a fancy meal or shopping, but rather an instinctive desire to sleep

Just as she was dozing off, the phone suddenly rang 


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