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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Hey, Chloe, dont go too far! Keira already said so, what else do you want?” 

This is my stuff. I can do whatever I want with it! Who are you to tell me what to do?” 

Chloe was so fed up with Amelia’s constant provocations

Why were all of Keira’s friends like this

YouAmelia’s eyes instantly turned red

Just then, a deep voice suddenly sounded in their ears

What’s going on?” 

Without even turning around, Chloe knew it was Lance

Seeing Lance coming over, Amelia immediately gained confidence. Cousin! Look, Keira is being bullied by this woman again!” 

Lance walked in between them and was instantly stunned by Chloe’s appearance

In all these years, he seemed to have never seen Chloe in anything other than professional attire, and this dress perfectly showed off her tall figure

Compared to her previous dullness, this contrast made her look incredibly fresh and bright

Noticing Lance’s appreciation in his eyes, Keira secretly clenched her teeth

It’s fine, Lance. let’s go.” 

Why should we leave? My cousin is here now. what are you afraid of?” 

Amelia grabbed Keira’s arm and said to Lance

“Cousin, look at the dress she’s wearing. Keira would look even more beautiful in it, but she insists on competing with Keira! We tried to persuade her to give us the dress, but she won’t agree

Lance frowned and said coldly

Is there really no other dress you can choose? It has to be this one?” 

Amelia felt wronged, But Keira likes it!” 

It’s okay. I won’t take what she likes if Chloe doesn’t want to part with it.” 

Although Keira said this, her tone was full of regret and disappointment

Lance glanced at her, and Keira looked at him with a soft smile

Lance’s face was full of affection

Chloe, who saw all the subtle expressions between them, felt ironic

Lance, Keira likes this dress. Why don’t we buy it from her?” 

Amelia came up with a new idea and saw a hint of movement on Lance’s face. She turned to Chloe

“Hey, how much do you want for the dress? We’ll pay three times the price. Will you sell it?” 

Chloe scoffed

Five times!” 

Chloe was still unmoved


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