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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 64


Chapter 64 

Chapter 64 

Keira covered her face, tears welling in her eyes, appearing aggrieved

Finally, a tear rolled down her cheek, perfectly timed for dramatic effect

Man, Keira was a born actress

Why did I hit you? Don’t you know?” 

Chloe nodded coldly and continued

Fine, play dumb all you want! I’ll tell you why. Because I don’t like you!” 

Chloe tried to slap Keira again, but someone grabbed her wrist in midair


Lance got out of the codriver seat and approached them. He held Chloe’s hand and glared at her

Keira didn’t do it on purpose!” 

Chloe glanced at him coldly, without any emotional fluctuations

She didn’t mean to?Chloe’s face was expressionless, her eyes frosty

Right. In your eyes, even if she killed someone today, it would be an accident.” 

Lance’s lips quivered, but no sound came out

Her indifference felt like an invisible hand squeezing his heart, making him feel suffocated

Just then, a black RollsRoyce pulled over. Amelia got out and rushed over to protect Keira. having seen that happening here

Chloe, what the hell is wrong with you? Always causing trouble. Keira said it was an accident, why are you such a pain? No one was hit, right? Anyway, even if someone was hit, who cares? Those old folks aren’t even worth a side mirror of this car!” 

Chloe turned her head and saw Keira crying with a hateful look in her eyes and Amelia looking smug. She just couldn’t care less

Sister, I really didn’t mean to scare those old folks. I can compensate them. is two hundred grand enough? I can give it right now.” 

Chloe frowned deeply, her eyes turning cold

She glanced at Keira’s car

A Ferrari was worth millions

A compensation of two hundred grand wouldn’t even cover the cost of a side mirror

Amelia’s words were so irritating, she had no brain

Keira seemed kind and gentle, but her words were sharp and stinging. She was sarcastic and manipulative

Thinking about it, Chloe realized she had been set up by Keira all this time

Two hundred grand?!” 

Amelia snorted, her eyes full of mindlessness

What a steal! Never realized scamming people could be so easy!” 

Amelia, don’t say that.” 


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