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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 70

Just as she finished talking, everyone fell silent.

Nate gave Amelia a casual glance, his eyes still brimming with disdain.

Is she full of herself or what? Acting like she's some big shot?

Chump change like this, and she thinks it's too much for Mr. Harper?

The Harper Group, one of the top corporations in the country, with its fingers in every pie. Its worth is beyond ordinary figures.

Just an arm and a car, and she thinks Mr. Harper can't foot the bill?

. Her words might not to be blamed but she really needs to be more knowledgeable!

But for him, who knew the real deal, it was the most arrogant thing he'd ever heard.

"Don't worry. Even if all your limbs get busted, I won't shortchange you. Wanna give it a try?"

Perhaps Damon was intrigued by Amelia's words. he actually replied.

His cold voice fell calmly, sending a chill down everyone's spine.

Upon hearing this, Nate slightly turned around, scaring Amelia into going pale again!

"Enough!" Lance's gloomy voice suddenly rang out as he stared at the car not far away, his eyes filled with darkness.

"Sir, you're going too far. Isn't it enough that things have come to this?"

"Dealing with people like you guys, it's not too harsh."

How can you compare beasts to humans?


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