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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 74

"Uh...Chloe, even though you can't come to work tomorrow, you can't just sit around! This Friday is the ceremony for the Harper Group's youngest son coming back to take the position of Global CEO, and I'll bring you along."

Chloe hesitated for a moment, realizing it was this Friday again.

"It's said that many celebrities and tycoons from all over the world will be there. You can find a handsome, well-built, and well-bred guy to date, show off your love every day, be all lovey-dovey, and give that nasty couple a resounding slap in the face as payback!"

Chloe chuckled, "So, to get back at them, I have to sacrifice myself? That's not worth it, right?"

Rose Davis sighed helplessly, "I knew you'd say that! That's not the point. The point is what happens after the youngest son of the Harper Group takes over!"


"You know about the shopping mall being built in the northern part of the city, right?"

Chloe nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I do."

That area is prime real estate.

Brands from all over the world have their eyes on that mall!

Even the Olson Group has been working hard lately to secure a spot there.

"The Harper Group owns that mall!"

Chloe's eyes flickered slightly as she looked at the well-maintained courtyard and continued, "So, you've set your sights on it too."

"Yep. Judging by its size, it'll undoubtedly be the largest mall in the country. If Spotlight Beauty can get in there, it'll be a big step forward! Being recognized by the Harper family means we'd have a powerful tree to shade us!"

Chloe, of course, understood this, and that's why so many people were eager to establish a relationship with the Harper family.

"So, what do you need me to do?"

"Design your plan and start developing your perfume, but I pursue quality rather than speed. Although Spotlight Beauty is relatively small, our reputation in the industry has been good in the past two years. I'll try my best."


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