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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 78

As Chloe descended the stairs, Alyssa and Hannah were nervously peered upward from the bottom.

They were all fretting over the possibility of some mishap upstairs.

"Chloe, is your chat over? Did that lad give you any trouble?" the old lady inquired.

Chloe could still feel the heat in her cheeks, leaving her somewhat flustered.

"No, Grandma." She lowered her head, lifting her hand to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, masking her awkwardness through the action.

Alyssa watched Chloe's every move, revealing a slow, meaningful smile.

However, as Damon's tall, slender figure gradually appeared behind Chloe, her smile faded, and she asked curtly, "Didn't you have work to do? What brought you back?"

"Grandma doesn't want me back?" Damon lightly chuckled, casually skimming past Chloe's shoulder to the old lady.

Alyssa gritted her teeth, forcing out, "Dinner's ready!"

Feeling Damon draw near, Chloe hurriedly descended the stairs.

Seeing Chloe blatantly avoiding him, a slight smirk tugged at Damon's lips as he, too, made his way downstairs.

With dinner over, it was getting late.

As Chloe prepared to leave, Alyssa wore a gloomy look.

"Or... you could stay over tonight, Chloe. We have plenty of empty rooms. The bed is massive and comfy, especially the one furthest in on the second floor."

Chloe chuckled, "No need, Grandma."

Such a cute old lady.

Exiting the mansion, Damon followed closely.

Stopping at the doorway, Chloe told Damon, "I drove myself. You don't need to see me off."

"I won't rest easy. I'll drive you home, and Nate can drive your car."


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