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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 83


Chapter 83 

Chapter 83 

Chloe did move into the guest room Damon had arranged for her 

After a quick shower, she looked around the unfamiliar room and sighed in relief, feeling more at ease than the ever had before 

She’s always been the independent type, but being with Damon, she felt surprisingly securet 

Remembering the scene she saw at the apartment building earler, and those people’s crazed actions, the felt a shiver go down her spine just thinking about

If it hadn’t been for Damon insisting on driving her home tonight, if he hadrit suggested Nate drive her car, the might have been in a horrific accident, insing her car and possibly her life 

Thank goodness for Damon 

Taking a deep breath, she finally climbed into the comfortable bed Too much had happened today, draining all her energy 

Meanwhile, in the study on the other side, Damon sat in a heavy chair, his eyes deep and dark 

Keep the pressure on Squeeze them hard. If they insist on going all out for that woman, let’s see how tough they aren 

His voice was shallow, a mix of calm and arrogance that made Nate on the other end of the phone nervous, hurriedly responding with a respectful Yes, sir” 

The following day, the ethereal chirping of birds gently pulled Chloe from her sumber 

Slowly opening her eyes, the unfamiliar room made her pause, but the quickly adjusted 

Getting out of bed and opening the curtains, she couldn’t help but gasp at the view outside 

Having arrived under the cover of night, she could not clearly see her surroundings 

Now, looking out at the miles of plain, neatly arranged green lawns had a few white cement paths winding through, and surrounded by lush woods an artificial river encirclet the entire 


The estate’s beauty was beyond words, making her admire the wisdom and artistry of the architect and artisans who built it 

But what she saw was just a small part of the estate

How rich must one be to turn their home into a castle

She couldn’t wait to explore the place 

Quickly heading into the bathroom for a quick wash and brush, Chloe left her room

The living room downstairs was quiet, with the housekeepers busily tidying up, barely making a sound

Seeing Chloe come down, they all stopped their work, nodding respectfully at her

The leader was a middle-aged woman with a plain expression

Ms. Summers, you’re awake” 

Chloe nodded slightly, her voice a bit hoarse

*Good morning” 

A hint of surprise flashed in Marina’s eyes, her tense face relaxing a bit

Please have breakfast, Ms. Summers.” 

Marina said respectfully as the housekeepers busily tidying up the living room quietly retreated

But for some reason, Chloe felt something odd

While it’s normal for wealthy families to have a few housekeepers, they’re not usually such deferential


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