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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 88


Chapter 88 

The online dispute has died down for now, but the aftershocks are still there. Pulse Entertainment tried hard to get major websites to remove the related news, but they never succeeded. Just when they were out of ideas, ready to give up and look for other solutions, the major websites suddenly accepted the high offer from Pulse Entertainment and took down the news one after another

Within minutes, the news about this incident vanished without a trace, as if a gust of wind blew past, leaving no mark behind

This move caught Pulse Entertainment off guard, forcing them to pay an unprecedentedly high price and causing them to lose nearly ten million in an instant

Keira took a deep breath but still looked puzzled at Nick and Viviana

Why did they suddenly decide to take down the news?” 

I’m not sure, maybe they misunderstood you, so they took it down? Viviana said uncertainly

Maybe they’ve already spent all the money they had left, so the websites accepted our money!” 

This got Keira very excited

Apparently, the guy Chloe found was nothing special after all

Chloe loved it here

Here, she could stay away from the worldly troubles outside, and lived her ideal life

She loved here so much that she wished time could stop

After spending some time together, Marina’s vigilance toward Chloe gradually decreased

Chloe had a quiet and elegant temperament, like a breeze. She seemed cold, but in fact, she was not aggressive at all. She always maintained a proper distance from the gentleman, harboring no ambitions to any of them

There are several villas in the manor, the last one has a hot spring next to it, and there are a few plum trees beside the hot spring. The snowfall in winter should be a beautiful sight to see 

Marina said lightly, thinking that this woman would probably like this place

Plum blossoms?” 

The gentleman specially planted most of the plants in the manor at a very high price.” 

Chloe was slightly surprised

Marina took Chloe to the villa in the backyard, Ms. Summers, the gentleman said you can choose a villa to live in.” 

Chloe frowned slightly, feeling inappropriate living in someone else’s house

Seeing her hesitation, Marina said lightly

Ms. Summers, this manor is the gentleman’s private residence. Since it was built, besides his few friends, you are the only woman who has been brought here.” 

Chloe smiled faintly, So what?” 

You are special to the gentleman. So whatever decision he makes, it’s for your own good.Marina spoke calmly

Chloe’s eyes flickered

Whatever decision he makes, it’s for her own good

Although it was just a simple sentence, Chloe’s heart couldn’t help but tremble

There were very few people in this world who were good to her

Chloe eventually chose the first villa temporarily, the one closest to the main building

In the afternoon, Chloe toured the manor again, but this time she had a purpose

As a perfumer, plant fragrances were her main concern


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