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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 95

Sophie’s pov


I wasn’t ready for that yet. Especially when Aiden and I had yet to lay down the rules of this fake engagement. We had yet to even discuss anything other than me having to pretend to be his pregnant fiance.

How did the paparazzi even know we were there? How did they know we were ‘engaged’?


Was it that interviewer woman?

Was it Aiden’s grandfather?

Aiden’s warmth seeped through me as he tugged me closer and gave me a reassuring squeeze. “I’m right here Sophie. All you have to do is keep your head down, and ignore their words until we’re actually ready to talk.”

I pull in a lungful of air, trying my best to relax my nerves. I’ve never done this before, never even seen a paparazzi in my life before so I had no idea what to expect.

“Ready?” Aiden asked and I nodded slowly.

I was obviously not ready. My stomach was cramping with knots and I thought I was on the verge of having a heart attack. This did not scream ready, this screamed the opposite.

Aiden sensed my hesitation and leans down to whisper in my ears reassuringly. “I’m not going to make anything happen to you Sophie. I’ll be by your side always.”

My heart skipped abeat or two.

His words warmed me and made me feel better, especially with the honest tone he used when he said he would always be by my side.

“Okay, I’m ready,” I breathed out, and after a few more

lungfuls of air to calm my nerves, Aiden and I walked out of the restaurant.

I squint, cringing slightly as flashes and the sound of clicking, runs through the air. Aiden’s hand around my waist grows hard with firmness and with a slight tug he began to pull me through the throng of paparazzi who was thankfully giving us room to pass through.

“Miss how did you and Mr. Xavier meet?” One asked loudly, trying to get her question through the numerous others.

“Miss, why have we never seen you with Mr. Xavier before?”

“What’s your name miss?”

“How did you manage to get the playboy bachelor to commit to you?”

“How did Mr. Xavier propose?”

“What do you do as your career?”

“Miss can you say a few words, Miss!”

I winced. So many questions slapped me left and right as we made our way to the SUV. Thankfully they were so occupied with us, they were slowly dispersing around the SUV.

I keep my head down slightly as Aiden guided me towards the Suv quickly. My heart was beating in my chest like a drum and I was surprised it didn’t surpass the sound of the clicks from the cameras.

When we reached the Suv and Aiden opened the door quickly a question had him freezing.

“Mr. Xavier is this the woman who has your heart?”


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