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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 96

Sophie’s pov

I’m panicking inwardly while Aiden makes calls beside me.

He’s talking so aggressively while rubbing his forehead. It was clear that what happened to us threw some stress onto his shoulders.

I let out some air through my nose and took out my phone from the bag. I quickly searched up Aiden’s name, only to not be surprised that our images were everywhere.

My heart slammed in my chest.

There are even articles written about us already….

Gnawing on my lips I clicked on one, cringing slightly when it was a horrible picture of Aiden and me walking out of the


I scrolled down, my eyes darting around every word.

‘With a well poised handsome man like Mr. Xavier, you’d expect a properly dressed woman beside him. But do not mind her appearance for Aiden Xavier did not seem to care. Our bachelor playboy is now a one-woman’s man. This mysterious lady has managed to capture what many women strived for. The heart of Aiden Xavier. Let the wedding bells ring!

My stomach twisted with unease and I felt sick to my


I shakily lift my hand to my face to pull some of my strands behind my ear.

Don’t mind her appearance…

I know I was nowhere close to Aiden’s standards but you’d think they would at least wait to throw their judgments.

I quickly put off my phone, sliding it into my bag. My throat burned with stifling emotion.

I know I shouldn’t let the media get to me but I couldn’t help it. My face was splattered everywhere and I was sure there was nothing good said about me.

“What’s wrong?” Aiden asked which surprised me.

I thought he was on the phone?

I turn to face him. “Nothing is wrong.” I lied hoping he could not see in my eyes that I did.

He doesn’t look convinced and moves the phone away from his ear, his attention staying on me. “What’s wrong Sophie? You’re not going to change your mind are you?” He asked with a bit of concern.

I shook my head. “Of course not. I’m just a bit shaken about what happened. This is the first time I have had this many cameras on my face. “I admitted.

His eyes shift in understanding and his hand comes to rest on my hand on my thigh. I held my breath when the heat of his palm burn me with tingles. “Everything will be fine. We’ll get them under control.”

I nod.

I don’t believe we could get them under control. The media was something not even Aiden can control.

They were vicious when they were after something they wanted. And I was a hundred percent sure they wanted every detail about Aiden and my engagement.

“Where are we going now?” I asked softly.

He breathed out a sigh while pushing his phone into his pocket. “We need to get you an engagement ring as soon as possible.”

I nod, my hands wringing with nerves on my lap.

I’m scared of what I had just pushed myself into, and even more, scared of what this will do to Ashton.

Mitch pulled up beside a fancy jewelry store and I turn to look at Aiden. “You don’t have to buy me an expensive ring, Aiden,” I told him.

This was a fake engagement and having an expensive ring would be practically useless.

But instead of agreeing Aiden lifted his brow and shook his head slightly. “Only the best for my woman.”

I froze, my heart slamming in my chest.


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