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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 121

Derek himself did not know.

His feelings for Meredith were complicated. He did care about her, but after all, there was still something between them.

He did not know how to accept that child. At this moment, he could still pretend that the child did not exist, but in the future...

Derek was a very possessive person and had a strong obsession with cleanliness about his things. Once his things were touched by others, he would not want them anymore.

But Meredith...

Seeing Derek's hesitation, Asher became bolder. "Perhaps, the novelty will soon wear off. Sometimes you need an outsider's perspective, especially for affection."

Derek looked at him coldly.

Asher rubbed his nose awkwardly. "So do you like her or not? If you like Meredith, I'll try to talk to Chloe and tell her not to focus on you anymore."

Asher felt that if Chloe kept being persistent like this, once she didn't be with Derek in the end, she might do something stupid.

"The relationship between Meredith and me doesn't matter. For Chloe, after we broke up, we are just friends. You guys did this for the first time. I can let it go, but I don't want to know you do it again."

After that, Derek got out of here, not caring about Asher's flattery.

The question Asher had just asked made him become entangled in a conflict for a moment.

For Meredith, did he just have temporary novelty because she was the only woman around him and he had the illusion? Or did he really like her?

At this moment, Jameson called him and said he wanted to ask him out for a chat.

Derek thought about it. Jameson was experienced in love and knew more about relationships between men and women. Maybe he could ask Jameson, so he agreed once in a blue moon.


Meredith returned home in a huff and was even more depressed when she saw the apartment that Derek had provided her.

Damn Derek, he forced her to move here as if he was giving alms. Who needed that!

Thinking about it, Meredith began to pack her things. Fortunately, she had not canceled the lease of the house she rented. Even if Derek had driven her out of here now, she would not have no shelter.

Thinking about it, Meredith intended to leave here directly. She packed up her a few belongings, and took a taxi back to her small one-bedroom apartment.

She also had dignity and moral integrity. There was no need to owe Derek a favor in order to save the rent, which made her seem to be inferior to him.

Sulking in the taxi, Meredith heard her cell phone ring again.

It was Parker.

These days, he had been working on developing overseas business for his company abroad while sending people out to find Meredith's mother.

Unfortunately, the privacy of patients in foreign sanatoriums was protected strictly. Even though Parker had deployed his most resources, the effect was little.


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