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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 128

Derek was lying on the sickbed with a frown.

After leaving Meredith that day, Derek had been angry, so he drove over the speed limit without noticing it.

When he made a turn in the suburbs, he tried to slow down but realized that it was too late. The speeding car could not stop until it hit the guardrail.

Although Derek's head was slightly injured, he didn't feel he needed to be hospitalized.

However, at Mr. Xavier and his mother's behest, he stayed in the hospital for several days, so as not to worry them.

However, once a person had nothing to do, it was inevitable for him to let his imagination go wild. Derek occasionally thought of Meredith's face. He forced himself not to think about her, but he could not control the most instinctive reaction.

If that damn woman knew that he had a car accident, she wouldn't be worried but be glad.

After all, no one would stop her flirting with men.

At the thought of this, Derek's face clouded over again.

Jameson came to the hospital to see him when he heard the news. Jameson didn't expect to see the Derek's ghastly expression the moment he opened the door.

"Are you feeling very uncomfortable?" Jameson frowned. Although Derek's car accident was not serious, he had been ill in bed for three years after all, so he should be more careful.

If this minor collision caused a change in his head, it would be over.

"No." Derek raised his eyebrows, ""Do you think I look that badly hurt?"

Jameson shook his head and when he was about to say something, the door was pushed open again. It was Chloe.

Chloe had been taking care of Derek for the past few days. Although he had asked her not to do this, she seemed to have not heard the man's rejection and stayed in the hospital.

However, Chloe was pampered from a young age. She could not do such a troublesome thing as taking care of a patient, so she often made mistakes. Derek was very helpless. She was not so much there to take care of him as to disturb him.

"Chloe." Jameson nodded and watched as Chloe walked over to look after Derek clumsily.

Derek wanted to say something but stopped. He was obviously resistant and somewhat helpless.

He did not know how to make Chloe, who had never experienced any setbacks in her life, understand that once she missed or lost something, it could not be retrieved.

"Chloe, you should go rest. You're not fit to do these things."

Seeing that Derek felt embarrassed to deal with her, Jameson offered to help him out.

Even he felt tired.

"No, I have to take care of Derek myself."

Chloe was very determined. The moment she learned about Derek's accident, she felt her heart almost stop beating. She couldn't lose him.

From then on, she realized how important this man was to her. The thought of losing him made her feel like she couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, Derek's injuries in the car accident were not serious. Chloe had already missed a chance to take care of him and hand't accompanied him when he needed her the most. She made up her mind that she wouldn't miss the chance to take care of him this time.

She had to make up for it with her practical actions. Derek would definitely be moved by her.

Jameson shook his head helplessly, then looked at the ward. Meredith wasn't there. Did she not come, or...

Out of curiosity, Jameson found a reason to take Derek out for a walk, but at the moment he mentioned Meredith, the man's expressions immediately changed.


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