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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 186

Meredith couldn't figure out why he came here. Obviously, the man wouldn't explain it to her.

Then she stepped back a little, "I'm sorry. I was just muddled for being scarcely awake."

Hearing Meredith's nasal voice and seeing the way she tried to make a clean break with him, Derek suddenly felt that this woman was probably more adorable when she was asleep. At least, she didn't keep away from him when she was asleep.

However, since Meredith was still a patient, he didn't say anything and just snorted, "Why are you sick?"

Meredith didn't want to answer. These days, she went out from time to time to see if anyone had seen her call for help, but she was disappointed again and again.

Gradually, her mood was affected, and the body also went wrong.

And the person who caused this still asked her the reason...

Meredith didn't say anything. She got up and turned on the light, "I'm fine. You can leave."

Derek's calm mood was irritated by her again, "Chase me away as soon as you wake up. Do you forget who held my hand tightly just now?"

Meredith blushed, "I just... did that unconsciously. I didn't know it was you..."

"Do you expect to hold another man's hand?" Derek was not satisfied with her statement. Did she dream of another man?

She was really bold.

Indeed, Meredith dreamt of Derek. But unlike in reality, in her dream, Derek believed her words, and they happily waited for the baby to be born. There was neither quarrel nor doubt in the dream.

But the reality...

There was a big gap between the reality and the dream.

"I didn't think so much. Maybe I'm a little tired. You're so busy with work. Why don't you leave? Don't delay because of me."

Meredith didn't have the energy to argue with Derek. She was still not feeling well. Although she felt better after waking up, she still felt dizzy because she had a bad appetite and didn't eat well these days.

Derek looked at her and she held her head with one hand unconsciously, "I won't leave until you take the medicine."

Meredith put her hand down and laughed at herself. She really didn't understand what Derek was trying to do.

Every time she thought he hated her, Derek would always do something that led to her misunderstanding, as if he really cared about her.

But when she believed that he really cared about her, he would turn against and suspect her again.

She really could not stand his caprice.

"No, I'll take the medicine myself. I don't pretend to be sick to threaten you. Mr. Xavier needn't find time to worry about me."

Derek's concern was like a poison to quench her thirst. She didn't want to sink into imagination and be deceived again, so she would rather refuse him directly.

Derek's face immediately clouded. He had to admit that this woman was always capable of stirring up his anger with a few words.

"Meredith, I don't need you to tell me what to do. You just need to obey my order."

With that, Derek got up, "I'll get someone to deliver the medicine later. Take it and don't make trouble."

After that, the man walked out.

Meredith looked at his back and said nothing.

After a while, Derek came back with the supplements. Since Meredith was pregnant now, few drugs could be chosen under such a special situation, so he just brought back some kinds of vitamin C supplements. And the doctor said that she could only lower the temperature physically.


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