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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 201

Derek looked at Meredith, whose crystal clear eyes reflected his figure.

She was waiting for his answer. Derek's heart softened. "Of course."

From the beginning to the end, he was very serious about her, but...

The child in her belly became the biggest obstacle between them.

"If I were playing, why did I bring you all the way here? Why did I protect you like that? Meredith, do you think I was so free and bored?"

Derek said word by word. Meredith looked at him, trying to figure out if he was joking. However, she found him to be rather serious.

Derek looked so sincere. She was the only one in his eyes, just like when she slowly put down her guard and accepted him in the beginning.

No woman could resist his gaze.

"I'm willing to wait for you." Finally, Meredith said what Derek wanted to hear.

Even if she had doubts, she could not deceive herself. She liked him and even thought of raising their children with him.

When Derek heard this, she pulled Meredith into her arms. She carefully prevented herself from touching his wound.

At this moment, she didn't want to think about anything else. Instead, she just wanted to cuddle in this warm and generous embrace and enjoy the feeling.

"Miss Mason, the examination is done..."

Just as the two of them were snuggling up to each other sweetly, Damian walked in carelessly. Seeing this scene, he immediately stopped and wanted to leave. Meredith was startled and slipped out of Derek's arms, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Is the examination over? I'll go and have a look."

Although Meredith pretended to be cool and calm, the blush betrayed the restlessness.

Seeing Meredith leave, Derek looked at Damian coldly. "I think you should know to knock before entering."

Damian smiled bitterly and rubbed his nose. "I was afraid that Miss Mason would get anxious, so I forgot..."

He could not help but complain in his heart. How did he know that the two of them were hugging each other in broad daylight. What's more, his boss didn't even wear a shirt. The scene was so embarrassing that he couldn't bear to look straight at them.

"I'll go out and take a look." Damian was nervous and tried to sneak out, but Derek remembered something. "Did you ask who the mastermind of the troublemakers was?"

Damian remembered his business and stopped, he looked serious. "It was the Masons who did it."

Speaking of this, Damian was also a little angry. Meredith was a pregnant woman, but those people did not give up when they acted, obviously wanting to kill her.


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