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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 29

Listening to that indifferent and emotionless words, she felt a wave of anger spreading from the bottom of her heart. If he hadn't spread the news in the company, how could she have suffered this?

Thinking about it, Meredith didn't want to look at him, so she just ignored Derek and left.

Derek was completely ignored and his eyes flashed with displeasure. He grabbed Meredith's wrist. "I saved you, but you wanted to leave without saying a word?"

Just now, if he hadn't heard the familiar voice of crying for help from outside, she wouldn't have the chance to be here and ignore him at all.

"What do you want me to say?" Derek was strong, and Meredith's wrist clenched by him was already red, but she refused to give in.

Was it not because of him that she was in such a difficult position? Now he acted like a savior?

She wasn't that stupid and wouldn't be grateful for someone like that.

"Let me go! I don't need you to take care of my business."

Derek's cold eyes were instantly ignited by anger. This ungrateful woman turned her back after she was saved by him.

Did she really think that he wouldn't do anything to her because of his grandpa's orders?

At the thought of it, Derek didn't let her go but pulled Meredith even harder and pulled her into his arms. "You don't need me? Are you going to say that you were playing with Mr. Lee voluntarily? Your so-called job is to be a prostitute?"

Meredith felt as if she had been stabbed when she heard the word "prostitute". She struggled desperately. Derek didn't let go, so she tried to kick the man in the calf.

The pain from his body made Derek even angrier. Seeing that Meredith was still struggling, he pressed her against the wall. "What? Am I right?"

Meredith looked up and saw the coldness and disdain in his eyes, which made her angry. She simply answered hopelessly, "Even if I am a prostitute, you don't have to care. Let go of your hand!"

Derek's anger was completely ignited. Meredith's unscrupulous words gave him the urge to tear her apart!

The next second, before Meredith had time to say anything more, her lips were rudely sealed by his kiss. Derek's movements were full of anger and plunder. There was no tenderness at all. It was not a kiss, but rather a bite.

Soon, Meredith felt the smell of blood in her mouth, but Derek didn't seem to notice it. "Since you're so thirsty, I'll satisfy you."

As he spoke, he ripped off her already torn clothes with his large hands, leaving dark red marks on Meredith's fair skin.

Now Derek, like a beast that was tearing its prey apart, wanted to devour her.

The pain from her body and the man's violent movements gave Meredith a sense of fear. Her body trembled and she desperately pushed against Derek's chest.

Sensing her constant resistance, Derek felt angry. He stopped and looked at her coldly. "Why? As a prostitute, you still need to pick out your customers?"

Meredith felt an unspeakable grievance in her heart. Being watched by him like this, she could not suppress her anger. "So what? Even if I am a prostitute, I won't serve you!"

Derek looked at Meredith's expression. Her lips were bright red because of the entanglement just now. In her clean eyes, there was a raging flame, but she looked very stubborn as if she would rather die than give in.

"Do you think I want a woman like you who doesn't have self-respect?" Derek pushed Meredith away. Her back hit the edge of the sofa and an inexplicable pain hit her.

But Derek ignored it and tidied up the wrinkles on his clothes. A moment later, he returned to his usual elegance and indifference.

"Next time, remember, since you're a prostitute, don't shout as if you've been forced to, lest others misunderstand you."

With that, Derek slammed the door and left.

Meredith listened to the sound of the door closing, and slid helplessly down, breathing heavily. She felt a sense of insecurity after all those, which made her feel weak.

After sitting on the ground and resting for a long time, Meredith slowly calmed down. The place she had just been hit was still very painful, probably already bruised, and the rest of her body...

Meredith looked down at herself, feeling extremely pitiful. Her clothes were almost torn into pieces and were barely hung on her body.

If she went out like this, she didn't know if she would get into any trouble again.

Meredith didn't know what to do. She sat on the floor for a while, and someone came to clean up. So she begged the person to lend her a set of clothes. Then she went back home.

As soon as she got home, Meredith ran into the bathroom. She looked at the tiny red marks on her body in the mirror, turned on the hot water and washed them with all her might, as if she were going to erase them along with those terrible memories.

She did not know how long she had been washing. She didn't stop until her skin had turned red and she felt a slight pain when she touched it. Then she walked out tiredly.

After a while, her cell phone rang.

Rachel's unhappy voice rang out from the phone. "Meredith, what's wrong with you? I asked you to stay with Mr. Lee, but you ran away. Can you pay for the damage you caused to the company?"


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