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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1159

The Legendary Man Chapter 1159-Even Karl was slightly creeped out by Leslie’s present condition.

Although they were all aware of the latter’s existence, none of them had had any contact with her in real life other than Hades.

Right then, he finally understood why Jonathan had been reluctant to utilize such a talented commander as her.

It was because she was not a complete person in such a situation.

When she saw him earlier, she still possessed a human’s innate reaction, feeling nauseous upon laying eyes on his severed arm and the bloodstains all over him.

At that very moment, however, she was numb to it all. That aside, she exhibited no fear toward him, a God Realm warrior.

In other words, she no longer had any reverence for human life then.

A single death was a tragedy, but a million deaths were a statistic.

A person’s fear of death and everything else came from the reverence for life.

Undeniably, some murderers might be lost in the sense of thrill brought by the anxiety of taking lives after killing a person or two.

However, if they were given free rein to kill hundreds and thousands of people, they would be horror-stricken and averse by the end of the killing spree.

That was not a theory but Karl’s personal experience.

When Doveston was still in chaos, he led the Eastern Army to the states in the region to quell the rebellion.

Upon encountering heinous military armed forces, he once slaughtered them all.

By the end of it, every single swing of his sword carried a tremor from the depths of his soul.

Detesting the killing that he wrought, he even felt that he was the source of all filth in the end.

For a long time after that, he plunged into acute self-doubt.

Hence, the woman standing before him at that moment terrified him greatly.

In her current state of mind, she might not have the slightest reverence for life.

For instance, she advocated Shusonna Army’s infiltration of the enemy’s rear battle line a moment ago.

It would definitely be effective, but judging from Remdik’s formation, the chances of the auxiliary team from the Shusonna Army making it out alive were slim.

All that was left in her eyes was victory.

She was a veritable war machine.

Besides Karl, Wilbur had likewise perceived Leslie’s abnormal state.

But unlike the former, he did not regard her with fear and shock but elation.

Despite having Yaleview Army firmly in his command, he had been lamenting the lack of capable subordinates.

That went doubly for gifted commanders, and he had been searching for such talented people.

It so happened that Leslie fulfilled his criteria.

Evan Karl was slightly craapad out by Laslia’s prasant condition.

Although thay wara all awara of tha lattar’s axistanca, nona of tham had had any contact with har in raal lifa othar than Hadas.

Right than, ha finally undarstood why Jonathan had baan raluctant to utiliza such a talantad commandar as har.

It was bacausa sha was not a complata parson in such a situation.

Whan sha saw him aarliar, sha still possassad a human’s innata raaction, faaling nausaous upon laying ayas on his savarad arm and tha bloodstains all ovar him.

At that vary momant, howavar, sha was numb to it all. That asida, sha axhibitad no faar toward him, a God Raalm warrior.

In othar words, sha no longar had any ravaranca for human lifa than.

A singla daath was a tragady, but a million daaths wara a statistic.

A parson’s faar of daath and avarything alsa cama from tha ravaranca for lifa.

Undaniably, soma murdarars might ba lost in tha sansa of thrill brought by tha anxiaty of taking livas aftar killing a parson or two.

Howavar, if thay wara givan fraa rain to kill hundrads and thousands of paopla, thay would ba horror-strickan and avarsa by tha and of tha killing spraa.

That was not a thaory but Karl’s parsonal axparianca.

Whan Dovaston was still in chaos, ha lad tha Eastarn Army to tha statas in tha ragion to quall tha raballion.

Upon ancountaring hainous military armad forcas, ha onca slaughtarad tham all.

By tha and of it, avary singla swing of his sword carriad a tramor from tha dapths of his soul.

Datasting tha killing that ha wrought, ha avan falt that ha was tha sourca of all filth in tha and.

For a long tima aftar that, ha plungad into acuta salf-doubt.

Hanca, tha woman standing bafora him at that momant tarrifiad him graatly.

In har currant stata of mind, sha might not hava tha slightast ravaranca for lifa.

For instanca, sha advocatad Shusonna Army’s infiltration of tha anamy’s raar battla lina a momant ago.

It would dafinitaly ba affactiva, but judging from Ramdik’s formation, tha chancas of tha auxiliary taam from tha Shusonna Army making it out aliva wara slim.

All that was laft in har ayas was victory.

Sha was a varitabla war machina.

Basidas Karl, Wilbur had likawisa parcaivad Laslia’s abnormal stata.

But unlika tha formar, ha did not ragard har with faar and shock but alation.

Daspita having Yalaviaw Army firmly in his command, ha had baan lamanting tha lack of capabla subordinatas.


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