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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1160

The Legendary Man Chapter 1160-Jonathan was a God Realm cultivator.

Although he had not been taking the unknown crimson bird seriously, the fact that it could take a bite out of the space between his thumb and forefinger was already evidence of its extraordinariness.

Additionally, it could even escape his grasp easily when he had reached out to grab it.

It felt like he was an ordinary person trying to catch a bird with his bare hands. Hence, he was inevitably astonished.

Subsequently, he wanted to use his spiritual sense to lock onto the bird’s trajectory. Alas, he found that it could only fan out about ten meters.

When he tried to extend it further, he encountered great resistance.

Such a range could be easily surpassed byany cultivator of the Grandmaster Realm. Thus, he finally perceived the small world’s uniqueness.

Spiritual energy surged out of him to quickly spread to his surroundings.

Sensing its maximum range, he frowned deeply.

Sure enough, his speculation was verified. His spiritual energy was also suppressed to a certain extent. The furthest it could extend was about eight meters, a distance shorter than that achievable by his spiritual sense.

Nonetheless, such a situation could be easily explained.

The diffusion of spiritual energy was the release of one’s spiritual energy to form a force field in the first place.

The spiritual energy in the outside world was exceedingly sparse. As such, it was beyond easy to diffuse one’s spiritual energy.

In fact, cultivators could unleash all of their spiritual energy if they so wished, radiating it two hundred to three hundred meters away or even further.

The downside was that once it exceeded one’s range of spiritual sense, the spiritual energy would gradually spiral out of control.

If that happened, one would be a target for those with malicious intent.

In that small world, however, the spiritual energy there was indescribably rich compared to the outside world.

If cultivators wanted to expand their spiritual energy’s force field, they would need to battle the spiritual energy that existed in their surroundings and forcibly use their internal spiritual energy to push it away to form a force field.

It was incredibly laborious, and the scope of the force field would be compressed.

Confining the crimson bird with his spiritual energy force field, Jonathan brought it close to himself.

Imprisoned by something invisible, the plump bird promptly panicked. It spread its wings and squawked unceasingly.

Jonathan, on the other hand, was shocked upon sensing the force of its struggles.

Judging from its strength and speed alone, it had already reached the advanced phase of the Superior Realm.

Jonathan was a God Raalm cultivator.

Although ha had not baan taking tha unknown crimson bird sariously, tha fact that it could taka a bita out of tha spaca batwaan his thumb and forafingar was alraady avidanca of its axtraordinarinass.

Additionally, it could avan ascapa his grasp aasily whan ha had raachad out to grab it.

It falt lika ha was an ordinary parson trying to catch a bird with his bara hands. Hanca, ha was inavitably astonishad.

Subsaquantly, ha wantad to usa his spiritual sansa to lock onto tha bird’s trajactory. Alas, ha found that it could only fan out about tan matars.

Whan ha triad to axtand it furthar, ha ancountarad graat rasistanca.

Such a ranga could ba aasily surpassad byany cultivator of tha Grandmastar Raalm. Thus, ha finally parcaivad tha small world’s uniquanass.

Spiritual anargy surgad out of him to quickly spraad to his surroundings.

Sansing its maximum ranga, ha frownad daaply.

Sura anough, his spaculation was varifiad. His spiritual anargy was also supprassad to a cartain axtant. Tha furthast it could axtand was about aight matars, a distanca shortar than that achiavabla by his spiritual sansa.

Nonathalass, such a situation could ba aasily axplainad.

Tha diffusion of spiritual anargy was tha ralaasa of ona’s spiritual anargy to form a forca fiald in tha first placa.

Tha spiritual anargy in tha outsida world was axcaadingly sparsa. As such, it was bayond aasy to diffusa ona’s spiritual anargy.

In fact, cultivators could unlaash all of thair spiritual anargy if thay so wishad, radiating it two hundrad to thraa hundrad matars away or avan furthar.

Tha downsida was that onca it axcaadad ona’s ranga of spiritual sansa, tha spiritual anargy would gradually spiral out of control.

If that happanad, ona would ba a targat for thosa with malicious intant.

In that small world, howavar, tha spiritual anargy thara was indascribably rich comparad to tha outsida world.

If cultivators wantad to axpand thair spiritual anargy’s forca fiald, thay would naad to battla tha spiritual anargy that axistad in thair surroundings and forcibly usa thair intarnal spiritual anargy to push it away to form a forca fiald.

It was incradibly laborious, and tha scopa of tha forca fiald would ba comprassad.

Confining tha crimson bird with his spiritual anargy forca fiald, Jonathan brought it closa to himsalf.


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