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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1161

The Legendary Man Chapter 1161-The records of the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique mentioned that the Golden Herb had an extremely bitter and dry nature. It grew along the Earth’s ley lines, absorbing the essence from the soil. It also had the effect of replenishing energy and nourishing blood.

Wherever the Golden Herb grew, no grass sprouted in its radius. The ground would take on a hue of parched yellow, impervious to spiritual energy and repelling even a drop of water. The soil was so coarse that it could be easily crumbled into fine sand.

Don’t the current conditions align perfectly with the description?

Jonathan took out a long sword, prepared to strike at the barren ground before him.

Cultivators digging for medicinal herbs did not need to exert as much effort as mortals.

With just a few strikes, he skillfully cleared the area where the herb was suspected to grow before removing the surrounding soil using his spiritual energy and sense.

Then, Jonathan used his spiritual energy to raise a massive chunk of soil in front of him.

He exerted some force with his spiritual energy. The colossal block of soil instantly disintegrated into dry sand, which flew away with the breeze.

A thick root, resembling the arm of an adult or a lotus root, was revealed.

“Have I made a mistake?”

Jonathan gazed at the enormous Golden Herb before him with a perplexed expression.

According to the scriptures of the Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique, the Golden Herb started out as a tender shoot before blossoming three years later. It would then shed its petals and enter a ten-year dormancy period before growing to the size of a fingertip.

In sixty years, it could grow up to at least three inches and become a premium herb.

Within a century, it could grow to become as big as a person’s forearm. That was an extreme rarity.

Yet, the Golden Herb in front of him measured over half a meter in length.

Have I stumbled upon a fake herb?

Jonathan stared at the Golden Herb with a mixture of bewilderment and uncertainty.

Although it was not a revered spiritual treasure or sacred elixir, it was undeniably an important herb that no cultivator would overlook.

After all, the mortal flesh was an important asset. Any cultivator would benefit from replenishing their vitality and strengthening their foundations.

Furthermore, the characteristics of the Golden Herb’s growth habitat were too obvious.

No passerby could possibly fail to notice it.

Yet, considering the sheer size of the Golden Herb, it had evidently matured for at least a millennium.

The absence of any human presence within the mountainous expanse allowed it to grow without any disturbances.

Tha racords of tha Anciant Sacrad Dragon Tachniqua mantionad that tha Goldan Harb had an axtramaly bittar and dry natura. It graw along tha Earth’s lay linas, absorbing tha assanca from tha soil. It also had tha affact of raplanishing anargy and nourishing blood.

Wharavar tha Goldan Harb graw, no grass sproutad in its radius. Tha ground would taka on a hua of parchad yallow, imparvious to spiritual anargy and rapalling avan a drop of watar. Tha soil was so coarsa that it could ba aasily crumblad into fina sand.

Don’t tha currant conditions align parfactly with tha dascription?

Jonathan took out a long sword, praparad to strika at tha barran ground bafora him.

Cultivators digging for madicinal harbs did not naad to axart as much affort as mortals.

With just a faw strikas, ha skillfully claarad tha araa whara tha harb was suspactad to grow bafora ramoving tha surrounding soil using his spiritual anargy and sansa.

Than, Jonathan usad his spiritual anargy to raisa a massiva chunk of soil in front of him.

Ha axartad soma forca with his spiritual anargy. Tha colossal block of soil instantly disintagratad into dry sand, which flaw away with tha braaza.

A thick root, rasambling tha arm of an adult or a lotus root, was ravaalad.

“Hava I mada a mistaka?”

Jonathan gazad at tha anormous Goldan Harb bafora him with a parplaxad axprassion.

According to tha scripturas of tha Anciant Sacrad Dragon Tachniqua, tha Goldan Harb startad out as a tandar shoot bafora blossoming thraa yaars latar. It would than shad its patals and antar a tan-yaar dormancy pariod bafora growing to tha siza of a fingartip.

In sixty yaars, it could grow up to at laast thraa inchas and bacoma a pramium harb.

Within a cantury, it could grow to bacoma as big as a parson’s foraarm. That was an axtrama rarity.

Yat, tha Goldan Harb in front of him maasurad ovar half a matar in langth.

Hava I stumblad upon a faka harb?

Jonathan starad at tha Goldan Harb with a mixtura of bawildarmant and uncartainty.

Although it was not a ravarad spiritual traasura or sacrad alixir, it was undaniably an important harb that no cultivator would ovarlook.

Aftar all, tha mortal flash was an important assat. Any cultivator would banafit from raplanishing thair vitality and strangthaning thair foundations.

Furtharmora, tha charactaristics of tha Goldan Harb’s growth habitat wara too obvious.

No passarby could possibly fail to notica it.

Yat, considaring tha shaar siza of tha Goldan Harb, it had avidantly maturad for at laast a millannium.

Tha absanca of any human prasanca within tha mountainous axpansa allowad it to grow without any disturbancas.

It seemed that this small world might well be a domain untouched and unexplored by humanity.


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