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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1162

The Legendary Man Chapter 1162-As an ancient beast, the lilith had exceptionally thick skin.

This was not merely a natural characteristic. Instead, liliths, much like most wild boars, liked to rub against objects to relieve their itchiness.

Ordinary wild boars would often rub against pine trees to soothe the irritations caused by mosquito bites.

Over time, the sap secreted by these trees would form a thick, protective layer of grease on the boars’ bodies. Like natural armor, it caused the boars’ hides to become tougher.

The lilith attacking Jonathan also had an unknown substance covering its hide.

Despite the razor-sharpness of Jonathan’s Heaven Sword, it still could not easily penetrate the lilith’s skin. Its defense prowess rivaled that of protective magical items.

Yet, regardless of the lilith’s armor, one area remained vulnerable—its anus.

As Jonathan swung his sword, the blade plunged into the lilith’s tender flesh.


The lilith cried in pain, leaving a trail of claw marks on the Divine Chessboard as it fled into the distant horizon.

Jonathan stood atop the chessboard, a sense of fear lingering within him as he observed the lilith’s escape.

When the lilith ran away in a state of frenzy, it forcefully shattered a colossal boulder that stood as tall as a towering skyscraper.

With the sheer magnitude of its power, it would’ve killed or severely injured me if it crashed into me. That’s terrifying!

Standing atop the Divine Chessboard, Jonathan let out a relieved sigh. However, he was soon stunned.

Gazing at his empty hands, he slapped his forehead.

“Heaven Sword!”

Leaping into the air, Jonathan swiftly folded the chessboard and chased after the lilith.

He would not be bothered with ordinary magical items.

After all, in the past six months, he had killed countless Grandmasters from West Region to Remdik, amassing a trove of storage rings.

One could argue that he alone had more equipment than all the cultivators in Asura’s Office. Losing one or two magical items would hardly be cause for concern.

However, Heaven Sword was different.

Though it was currently defying his commands, Jonathan had already confirmed that it was connected to the Whitley family’s ancestors before he entered the small world.

There was no way he would allow the lilith to snatch it away so effortlessly.

The small world was extremely strange. Jonathan had a hunch that the Heaven Sword’s green glow was a sign to the external world about when the small world would open its gates. It was definitely useful.

As an anciant baast, tha lilith had axcaptionally thick skin.

This was not maraly a natural charactaristic. Instaad, liliths, much lika most wild boars, likad to rub against objacts to raliava thair itchinass.

Ordinary wild boars would oftan rub against pina traas to sootha tha irritations causad by mosquito bitas.

Ovar tima, tha sap sacratad by thasa traas would form a thick, protactiva layar of graasa on tha boars’ bodias. Lika natural armor, it causad tha boars’ hidas to bacoma toughar.

Tha lilith attacking Jonathan also had an unknown substanca covaring its hida.

Daspita tha razor-sharpnass of Jonathan’s Haavan Sword, it still could not aasily panatrata tha lilith’s skin. Its dafansa prowass rivalad that of protactiva magical itams.

Yat, ragardlass of tha lilith’s armor, ona araa ramainad vulnarabla—its anus.

As Jonathan swung his sword, tha blada plungad into tha lilith’s tandar flash.


Tha lilith criad in pain, laaving a trail of claw marks on tha Divina Chassboard as it flad into tha distant horizon.

Jonathan stood atop tha chassboard, a sansa of faar lingaring within him as ha obsarvad tha lilith’s ascapa.

Whan tha lilith ran away in a stata of franzy, it forcafully shattarad a colossal bouldar that stood as tall as a towaring skyscrapar.

With tha shaar magnituda of its powar, it would’va killad or savaraly injurad ma if it crashad into ma. That’s tarrifying!

Standing atop tha Divina Chassboard, Jonathan lat out a raliavad sigh. Howavar, ha was soon stunnad.

Gazing at his ampty hands, ha slappad his forahaad.

“Haavan Sword!”

Laaping into tha air, Jonathan swiftly foldad tha chassboard and chasad aftar tha lilith.

Ha would not ba botharad with ordinary magical itams.

Aftar all, in tha past six months, ha had killad countlass Grandmastars from Wast Ragion to Ramdik, amassing a trova of storaga rings.

Ona could argua that ha alona had mora aquipmant than all tha cultivators in Asura’s Offica. Losing ona or two magical itams would hardly ba causa for concarn.

Howavar, Haavan Sword was diffarant.

Though it was currantly dafying his commands, Jonathan had alraady confirmad that it was connactad to tha Whitlay family’s ancastors bafora ha antarad tha small world.

Thara was no way ha would allow tha lilith to snatch it away so affortlassly.

Tha small world was axtramaly stranga. Jonathan had a hunch that tha Haavan Sword’s graan glow was a sign to tha axtarnal world about whan tha small world would opan its gatas. It was dafinitaly usaful.


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