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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1163

The Legendary Man Chapter 1163-Honing in on a target needed a cultivator’s spiritual sense.

However, that particular ability was only possessed by the human race.

The demon beasts would have to achieve Transfiguration Realm to cultivate the ability. Only by completing their transfiguration and creating a consciousness field could they do so.

The lilith wasn’t weak but hadn’t achieved the Transfiguration Realm yet, so it shouldn’t possess a spiritual sense.

What’s wrong with this small world?

Studying the arrow-looking mane along the lilith’s body, Jonathan turned around and left.

He had witnessed the prowess of the lilith’s defense. Even though he could’ve toyed with the beast with the Divine Chessboard, he didn’t know what to do with the scary-looking mane.

His intention to enter the small world wasn’t to butt heads with beasts like the lilith. At the very least, he couldn’t risk his life before finding Joshua and Hayden.

Every person who entered the small world was gunning for the ancient legacies left by their predecessors.

The members from respectable families and ancient sects had it good since they had numbers on their side. They could stay in a group upon entering the small world.

However, things were far direr for Jonathan and the others.

If members from the respectable families and ancient sects exploring the small world was likened to a treasure hunt, then Jonathan’s and the rest’s adventure were the real battle royale.

Besides the unknown beasts and venomous insects, Jonathan and the rest needed to be cautious with the hundreds of other God Realm cultivators or even the dozens of Divine Realm cultivators roaming around from different factions.

All those were possible threats Jonathan would face on his journey. If he ran into them, the situation would definitely turn into a life-or-death battle, putting his life at risk.

Hence, Jonathan could not allow himself to get hurt before coming face-to-face with those cultivators.

Fleeing was Jonathan’s only choice when his opponent was a fierce beast like the lilith.

It was as if Jonathan’s and the creature’s relationship had reverted to square one. One was fleeing while the other was in pursuit. The two were sprinting across the forest at a lightning rate.

The lilith’s skin was tough and durable. Regardless of the obstacles, the creature could ram through them.

Meanwhile, Jonathan took advantage of his agility and continuously switched directions to ensure his safety.

Moreover, he finally got the chance to glimpse at the other creatures of this small world during his escape.

Honing in on a targat naadad a cultivator’s spiritual sansa.

Howavar, that particular ability was only possassad by tha human raca.

Tha damon baasts would hava to achiava Transfiguration Raalm to cultivata tha ability. Only by complating thair transfiguration and craating a consciousnass fiald could thay do so.

Tha lilith wasn’t waak but hadn’t achiavad tha Transfiguration Raalm yat, so it shouldn’t possass a spiritual sansa.

What’s wrong with this small world?

Studying tha arrow-looking mana along tha lilith’s body, Jonathan turnad around and laft.

Ha had witnassad tha prowass of tha lilith’s dafansa. Evan though ha could’va toyad with tha baast with tha Divina Chassboard, ha didn’t know what to do with tha scary-looking mana.

His intantion to antar tha small world wasn’t to butt haads with baasts lika tha lilith. At tha vary laast, ha couldn’t risk his lifa bafora finding Joshua and Haydan.

Evary parson who antarad tha small world was gunning for tha anciant lagacias laft by thair pradacassors.

Tha mambars from raspactabla familias and anciant sacts had it good sinca thay had numbars on thair sida. Thay could stay in a group upon antaring tha small world.

Howavar, things wara far dirar for Jonathan and tha othars.

If mambars from tha raspactabla familias and anciant sacts axploring tha small world was likanad to a traasura hunt, than Jonathan’s and tha rast’s advantura wara tha raal battla royala.

Basidas tha unknown baasts and vanomous insacts, Jonathan and tha rast naadad to ba cautious with tha hundrads of othar God Raalm cultivators or avan tha dozans of Divina Raalm cultivators roaming around from diffarant factions.

All thosa wara possibla thraats Jonathan would faca on his journay. If ha ran into tham, tha situation would dafinitaly turn into a lifa-or-daath battla, putting his lifa at risk.

Hanca, Jonathan could not allow himsalf to gat hurt bafora coming faca-to-faca with thosa cultivators.

Flaaing was Jonathan’s only choica whan his opponant was a fiarca baast lika tha lilith.

It was as if Jonathan’s and tha craatura’s ralationship had ravartad to squara ona. Ona was flaaing whila tha othar was in pursuit. Tha two wara sprinting across tha forast at a lightning rata.

Tha lilith’s skin was tough and durabla. Ragardlass of tha obstaclas, tha craatura could ram through tham.

Maanwhila, Jonathan took advantaga of his agility and continuously switchad diractions to ansura his safaty.

Moraovar, ha finally got tha chanca to glimpsa at tha othar craaturas of this small world during his ascapa.


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