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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 16

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 16

“So, what is going on between you two?” Lexi asked as soon as we were in the kitchen

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I answered.

“Uh huh, sure you don’t. That’s why Dimitri had a scowl on his face when you came with me. Did you two argue?” Lexi questioned.

I sighed, “No, we were actually having a good time, but Savanah knocked on the door and ruined it.”

“For you or for him?” Lexi raised her eyebrows.

“Me, obviously. That girl always turns up at the wrong time,” I complained

“Because of her, you’re taking your anger out on Dimitri now.” Lexi looked at me with a smile.

“Well, she’s only knocking on our door because of him. Then he decides to open the door with no shirt on, so of course she starts checking him out,” I vented

“Ahh, so the whole thing is because you are jealous.” Lexi laughed.

“What’s so funny? I bet if the same thing happened to you, then you would be jealous too.” I rolled my eyes

-You’re right, but it’s nice to see someone act like this over Dimitri. He needed someone like you in his life.” Lexi smiled.

“You think so?” I asked.

“One hundred percent. You both complement each other so well. It’s unbelievable the eflect you’ve had on hun in such a short space of time,” Lexi said


I guess we do.” I thought about Lexi’s comment

“We can all see the change in Dimitri, and I know that you got thrust into this whole thing quite suddenly, but I can see a change in you too,” Lexi commented


“Me? How?” I was curious.

“You have a glow, like you’re in your bubble of happiness that no one can burst. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who is making you so happy.” Lexi nudged me.

“Did you change to a lycan?” I asked.

“No, but I’m guessing you are worried about the change?” Lexi guessed correctly.

I nodded, and she sighed. “Most werewolves don’t struggle as the changes aren’t too drastic that they can’t cope. However, there are a few who suffer because they can’t handle the changes, they find it too much. You being mated to the king means you’ll have enhanced senses like him, which might be difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, it’s all new for everyone, so we don’t know. But with Dimitri by your side, I am sure that you’ll be fine. Plus, you’re not a weak werewolf.”

Wow, that was a lot of information to take in but useful. A part of me was terrified for the change, but the other part was excited.

Being a lycan would mean I would have all these enhanced senses, which was so cool. It also meant I would be on par with Adonis.

“Thanks Lexi.” I smiled and hugged her.

“Anytime! Now you can either help me bake some cookies, or you can go to your mate.” Lexi winked.

“No, I’ll help you bake cookies. We could use some time apart,” I replied.

Lexi laughed. “He’s spent enough time away from you, but this way you can bring him some cookies. I’m sure he’d love that.”

Rolling my eyes, I put all my worries to the back of my mind and helped Lexi bake.

Honestly it felt nice to have some girl time, but I found myself missing Adonis. Was this how it would always be?

This feeling like I was empty without him? I wanted to ask Lexi but decided against it just in case she thought I was being silly.

Maybe I was being silly. Maybe I was being extra needy because of the changes my body was going through.

Once the cookies were baked, Lexi put some on a plate and handed it to me.


“Go to your mate now.” She chuckled.

This time I didn’t say anything but just smiled. I walked out of the kitchen and looked around the massive place.

Where would he be? His addictive scent filled my nostrils, and I smiled. My feet moved on their own, following his scent.

I was outside a door, which I presumed was his office. Being polite, I decided to knock, but I didn’t even have to.

The door flung open, and Adonis was standing there with a tense look on his face.


I made cookies?” I said, looking up at him.

His tense expression faded, and he smiled.

“Come in, little one.” Adonis moved out of the way so I could enter.

Smiling, I went into his office. Obviously it was massive, but it was also very organized

Adonis had massive filing cabinets, and everything was labeled. There weren’t papers lying everywhere, and it was very clean.

= = ==

This man never fails to surprise me.

Adonis took a seat on his chair and raised his eyebrows. “Are you going to stand the whole time?”



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