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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 18

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 18

The black soulless eyes glared at me as I took a deep breath and closed the door.

In front of me, Adonis stood, wrapped in chains and breathing heavily Except this wasn’t Adonis; his lycan was very much in controll

Having an angry mate is one thing, but having an angry mate who is a lycan is a completely different ballpark

Adonis would never hurt me. I knew that, but his lycan has never been introduced to me, and that scared me.

Adonis struggled against the chains. The sound of them made me cringe. I 1 couldn’t believe how many there were, but looking at Adonis, it wasn’t a shocker as to why

I knew I had to remain calm and take it slow. This wasn’t the Adonis I knew.

“Adonis,” I said

His eyes narrowed as I took a step closer. Immediately he started sniffing the air, and again those black eyes connected with mine.

“Mate,” Adonis’s lycan said, his deep voice making my heart beat even faster.

Should I say something else? My brain was still making up its mind, but that was too slow for his lycan.

I jumped back in shock when Adonis moved forward, but the chains pulled him back, causing him to let out another growl.

“Mate. Must get to mate.” Adonis was struggling against the chains.

My eyes found the places where the chains were digging into his skin, causing him to bleed as he was pulling on the chains so hard.

“Stop,” I said. I had to do something, I couldn’t see Adonis cause himself pain.

Thankfully he stopped. He looked at me in question, and I sighed.


“Please, don’t pull on the chains. I need to see Adonis.”

He growled again, clearly not happy with what I said, but I tried again.

“Please,” I begged.

His resolve broke as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This time my eyes connected with Adonis’s hazel eyes. The same eyes I realized that I had missed

Even though it hadn’t been that long, I missed his eyes.

“Adonis.” I smiled.

This time I closed my eyes as I heard his familiar voice reply, “Aarya.”

Hearing his voice made me breathe a sigh of relief. I opened my eyes again and the smile got bigger.

“You’re okay,” he breathed out.

“Yes, perfectly fine. You would know that if you hadn’t gone all psycho on that poor doctor. I wanted to see your face when I opened my eyes, but I saw a nurse’s face instead.” I rolled my eyes.

Adonis looked down at the floor. “I’m sorry, little one. When you collapsed in my arms, my lycan couldn’t handle it. We only just got you; we couldn’t lose you.”

“And you won’t, but you and your lycan need some serious anger management classes,” I told him.

“I’d do anything for you, but right now I just want to feel you in my arms again. However, that is a bit hard for me right now.” Adonis rattled the chains.

“Oh, right. How do I get these off?” I looked around for a key.

“In the corner, middle shelf, the keys are there,” Adonis replied.

Let me tell you something, removing all these chains was hard work. Especially because the chains were all tangled together, and Adonis was being impatient.

I swear, I wanted to lock him back up in the chains. Every time I got one chain off, he wanted to touch me. I had to keep swatting his hands away.


Once I got all the chains off him, he wasted no time in picking me up in


his arms. I squealed and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Adonis buried his face in my neck and breathed in. “Your scent always manages to calm me down.”

“Hmm…” I wasn’t really paying attention as I was enjoying being in his warm embrace.

“Wait, you’re hurt. I saw the chains digging into you. Adonis put me down.” I struggled in his arms.

Adonis’s reply was to hold me tighter. “I do not care. I want you in my arms. Just this once, please don’t argue,”

How could I argue with that? His words sent that warm feeling down my spine, and I snuggled into his embrace.

“Did you know I am a lycan now,” I mumbled.

“Yes, I can sense it, little one.” Adonis chuckled.

My response was to bury my face in Adonis’s neck as he carried me up the stairs. Him holding me felt so normal, and I loved it.

“Well if you being locked up wasn’t a big enough sign that you missed me, then you not being by my side when I woke up was the next sign,” I

“Well, I was serious when I said that you both need some anger management classes.” I attempted to lighten the mood.

“You’re feeling okay, right? Please tell me you were discharged before you came to get me.” Adonis jumped up, and his eyes ran over my body as if he suddenly remembered I was in the hospital.

“I am fine, and who needs to get discharged anyway? I felt fine, so I left, and I came to get you. Honestly no one could have stopped me. Plus, what about you? Those chains digging into your skin.” I shuddered.


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