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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 20


The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 20

Waking up was always fifty-fifty with me. Sometimes I would have so much energy, and other times I wouldn’t even want to get out of bed.

Today I didn’t even have the energy to open my eyes

But something was nagging me to check the other side of the bed. So, my hand patted the cold side next to me, confirming my thoughts that Adonis never came back.

Even though I managed to sleep, it didn’t feel refreshing. My head hurt, and I felt super drowsy. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)I missed Adonis, so much. My feelings had changed so much, but I wasn’t mad.

Something about spending time with Adonis just made me feel so much better, and him not being here really messed with me.

Since I had an awful night of sleep, my body needed more sleep, but before I gave in my nose caught a whiff of something that smelled like blood. Immediately my heart started racing

Was it Adonis that was hurt? No, I would know if he was hurt.

Just as I opened my eyes, a drop of something fell on my face. I touched it and bought it up to my eyes. –

Holy shit, it was blood. Where the hell did blood even come from? The strong scent made my eyes travel upward, and I gasped.


Right above me was a little girl’s dead body, hanging from the light. Her lifeless eyes stared right at me, permanently engraving them in my mind.

Without wasting a second, I ripped the covers off me and stumbled out of bed. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)It was then I realized the horror of this act. All the bedsheets we soaked in blood. How the hell did I not notice this?

All of a sudden, it felt like my senses opened up as the strong smell of blood made me gag,

My whole body was still shaking as I made my way to the door, desperate to get out before the smell made me sick. I didn’t even look at the dead body because I knew if I did, I would pass out.

My body felt weak, I was pretty sure it had something to do with the

gruesome scene in my bedroom


Just as I opened the door, my knees collapsed, causing me to fall. Fuck, my body was weaker than I thought.

Since my plan of getting help with my legs failed, I used the next best thing I had

My voice

“ADONIS,” I shouted.

“ADONIS PLEASE,” I shouted again, crawling away from the door. I had to get far away from my room.

Guards began to rush up, but my mate pushed past them all, his eyes narrowed and his body tense.

Seeing his face calmed me down, and I got up and threw myself at him, using the last bit of energy I had.

I needed his comforting embrace right now. His arms wrapped tightly around me as I breathed in his delicious sent, trying my best to not smell the blood

I knew that I didn’t need to tell him anything, the smell of blood was strong in the air. My thoughts were confirmed by Adonis’s loud growl, which caused the windows to shake.

Instinctively I clutched onto him tighter. He made his way to the room, and I forced myself to keep my eyes open because I knew if I closed them, those lifeless eyes would appear.

Thankfully my back was facing the horrific scene, and I was facing the bedroom door instead.

Gabe and Evan rushed into the room, gasping in shock and horror. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)This was something no one wanted to see, especially since it was a child who was killed

“Who the fuck got into my room while my mate was sleeping?” Adonis was furious

“Who the fuck thinks it’s okay to kill a little girl in this vile way? I want to know WHO!” Adonis seethed.

His anger caused some guards to take a few steps back, they probably thought he’d lose control.

Gabe and Evan didn’t look worried, just concerned The guards looked at Gabe and Evan, waiting in case they had to restrain Adonis.


There was no way that he was getting put in that awful cell again, not on my watch.

I breathed in his scent to calm me down, and it seemed that he calmed down as well, tightening his grip around me but releasing a long breath.

The guards relaxed and came closer again, waiting to hear orders.

“Find out what sadistic prick did this and bring him to me. I don’t need to tell you to use all measures to make sure this fucking bastard is found.” Adonis turned to Gabe and Evan.

“You know we will. Right now you need to look after your mate,” Gabe said.

“Yeah, she is first priority. We will find the dickhead who pulled this despicable act.” Evan sounded serious, his playful demeanor long gone.

“We’ll be in one of the other rooms on this floor,” Adonis told his friends before stopping and grabbing a few things and leaving.

I didn’t even realize when Adonis entered the other room, when he placed me on the toilet seat as he ran the bath.





= I didn’t even get the chance to be embarrassed as he took off my PJS, leaving me in my bra and underwear. My mind was too busy thinking about the events that just took place.

Only when Adonis placed me in the warm bath did my tear-stricken face look up at him.

“I thought lycans are meant to have heightened senses? Why didn’t I hear anyone come in? How could I have slept through someone killing and placing that little girl’s body above me? How could I not have smelled the blood as it fell onto the sheets?” I questioned.

Tears fell as I remembered that little girl’s body hanging from the light.

Adonis wiped the tears away and kissed my forehead.


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