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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 22


The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 22

“I swear to God, if you guys are naked, I am going to gorge my eyes out,” a familiar voice shouted, waking me up from a peaceful sleep.

“Wait till he starts getting close to his mate, then I’ll disturb him so he can see how fucking annoying it is,” Adonis mumbled under his breath.

My sleepy brain finally caught on, and I sighed, “Honestly, he disturbed my peaceful sleep.”

“Guys?” Evan shouted.

“Evan, if this isn’t a matter of life or death, then you are in deep shit,” Adonis growled.

Hang on a second, Evan can’t come in here. One, because I am naked, and two, because the room was a mess. There were my clothes everywhere, along with my undergarments. The sheets were a mess too.

“Right, I’m coming in,” Evan said.

Adonis just rolled his eyes, not even realizing what the fuck was the matter.

“No!” I shouted. Adonis looked at me like I had gone mad.

“Give me two minutes, Evan,” I said.

“Fine, I am counting.” Evan sighed.

Scrambling out of bed, I picked up my clothes and ran into the bathroom.

I splashed my face with cold water so I looked more awake and changed my clothes so I looked presentable. I ran a brush through my hair and walked out.

Adonis sat there smirking while I hit him on the shoulder. “I cannot believe you were about to let Evan in while I was naked and my stuff was all over the floor.”

“Well, I got a good view when you got out of the bed.” Adonis laughed.

“Men and their one-track mind,” I mumbled.


“If Evan saw me naked, then what?” I questioned.

Adonis didn’t look very happy with my question and kept quiet.

“Exactly, your reaction tells me what I need to know. Next time be more mindful. I don’t want my cousin’s mate dying because he saw me naked.”

I sat down on top of the duvet covers.

Evan entered slowly, his hands over his eyes, which made me laugh.


“Evan, you can move your hand away.”

Slowly, he moved his hand and sighed when he saw we were both clothed. Adonis didn’t have a shirt on, but I don’t think Evan was worried about seeing him shirtless.

“Well, thank God you both are clothed. Mostly.” Evan sighed.

“What happened?” I asked.

Evan’s face turned serious, causing both Adonis and I to sit up straight. Did they catch whoever did this?

“The little girl. We found out who she is, and her parents are coming over. Gabe thinks it should be you who tells them, Dimitri.” Evan smiled sadly.

“Of course. Any news on who did this?” Adonis asked.

“As of right now, we don’t have much to go on. Hopefully the parents can tell us some valuable information. The issue we are having is that this palace has so many people, guards, chefs, servants. We need more information before we start searching.” Evan looked frustrated.

“Hey, you did a good thing finding the parents. I’m sure we will be able to get some information to help,” I reassured Evan.

Evan looked at me with a determined look in his eyes. “I want to bring that little girl justice.”

“And we will.” Adonis got up and patted Evan on the back.

“Let’s go meet the parents,” Adonis told Evan.

As they both turned to leave, I coughed really loudly.

“What about me? Don’t you dare say I have to stay here.” I crossed my



“Yes, you do. I don’t know if the parents will react badly, and they might try to hurt you,” Adonis replied.

I scoffed, “Yeah, okay. I am not staying here; I am coming with you.”

“How about you go spend time with Niya?” Evan asked.

I glared at him. Why weren’t they allowing me to come with them? My mouth opened to retort back, but I saw Adonis’s face, the worry in his

eyes, and I stopped.

Was he really that worried that I would get hurt? Damn it, if I go, then he’s going to spend all his time worrying about me and not getting the important information.

Sighing, I turned to Evan. “Fine. Where is she?”

The relief on Adonis’s face made me feel bad. I guess it wasn’t a bad thing for me to spend time with Niya. This way Adonis could spend time with the parents.

Evan told me where Niya’s room is, and we went our separate ways. Of course, before I left. Adonis told me that he was thankful I actually listened to him.

I rolled my eyes and replied, “Only this once.”

“Good. I don’t like an obedient mate because it means no punishments,” he whispered in my ears.

“Guess I’ll become an obedient mate then,” I teased.

Adonis smirked. “You’re too fiery for that, little one.”

Before I could reply, he left with Evan. The things he made me feel was unlike anything I had ever felt before, and I was slowly becoming addicted.

I made my way to Niya’s room and knocked on the door. She opened it and had a massive grin on her face when she saw me. Without wasting any time, she dragged me into her room and sat me down.”So…?” She looked at me

“So? What so?” I asked.

Niya rolled her eyes. “So, how was it then?”

“What are you talking about?” I was so confused.



“Urgh, what is wrong with you? How was the sex?” she asked.

My eyes widened in shock, causing Niya to laugh.

“I have to live through you. You need to tell me,” Niya begged.

“Weird, but also it feels right,” she replied.


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