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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 24


The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 24

Looking at Adonis, I knew he would refuse, but something told me that I had to talk to this lady. Before Adonis could say anything, I stood up and nodded.

“Come, we will go somewhere private and no one will follow us.” I glared at Adonis, who glared right back at me.

His eyes never left me as I left the room with the lady. He would be pissed, but I would deal with that later; it wasn’t important.

I walked down the stairs and noticed the lady’s eyes constantly darting around, her hands were shaking.

An uneasy feeling settled in me, but it made me more determined to figure out what the fuck was going on.

Once we reached a secluded room of the palace, we entered, and I shut the door behind us. There was no one around, so we should be safe here.

I sat down and motioned for the lady to sit down too. She gave me a small smile and sat down opposite me.

“First I want to say how sorry I am for the loss of your child. I wish that I could have woken up and saved her.” I shook my head.

“No, please don’t blame yourself. We don’t blame you. It’s our fault for not listening to the warning.” She wiped a tear that fell.

“Warning, what warning?” I asked, my eyebrows raised in confusion.

She sighed before replying, “A few days before, a man came to our house, claiming he was from the palace.

“He told us he knew that my husband had a criminal record and he had applied to be a guard at the palace.

“He said that they’d never accept him because of his record but said he could help us if we help him first. I told my husband not to accept, but he did because my husband desperately wanted the job.

“This man told us that we had to sneak into the palace and put something in the food.


“He claimed the food was going to the prisoners, and he wanted one of them dead but couldn’t do it himself because he was well known. It just didn’t sit right with me, but my husband agreed.

“The man told us if we don’t do our job, he will know, and we will pay the price with the lives of our loved ones.

“My husband did sneak in; however, he couldn’t bring himself to put whatever that was in the food because he didn’t know what it was, and he began to have doubts.

“The very next day when we woke up, our daughter was gone, and we knew. That man took my daughter and killed her.”

The poor lady burst into tears, and my heart hurt for her. What a vile and disgusting man. But who was this man?

Hearing what the lady said increased my doubts that this man must be someone who knew the palace very well. But who?

“That’s why you were nervous coming here? That’s why your eyes kept darting around?” I questioned.

“Yes, I’m afraid he is here.” The lady trembled with fear.

The sick bastard who made this poor lady feel like this would pay. How sick can someone be, taking a helpless child and killing her in such a violent manner?

“You’ll be safe here. Nothing will happen to you.” I held her hands.

“Can you tell me what he looked like? Any small detail will help,” I asked, being careful not to ask her too many questions.

“I don’t remember much, but I do remember he had a scar on his face. It looked like claw marks, going across his eye.” She shivered.

Well, that piece of information was definitely valuable. How many people have claw marks across their face?

I was just about to thank the lady, not wanting to press her for any more information, when the door opened.

Adonis stormed in and asked, “What about the color of his hair? His eye color? How tall was he?”

The lady looked at me with fear in her eyes. She jumped up and muttered, “I’ve said too much. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill me…?


She rushed out of the room in a hurry. Shit, that was not meant to happen.

I glared at Adonis and said, “What the fuck was that about? This was meant to be a private conversation between us two. When did you decide to join?”

Adonis scoffed, “I wasn’t about to leave my mate alone. I only heard the last bit. But I need more information.”

He turned around, but I pulled him back and growled.

“You just ruined everything. Didn’t you see how terrified she was when you decided to storm in with all your questions? For once in your life, couldn’t you just do as you’re told. Sometimes there are things you are not needed for.”

“I am the king. I am always needed. I don’t understand why she would tell you everything and not me.” Adonis shook his head.

My anger was not calming down. “Because, Adonis, you are scary. You are the king, and these poor people were scared of you. That poor lady wanted to talk to someone who would understand her, and that wasn’t you. But you just couldn’t handle that, could you? You had to interfere and ruin everything. I would have gotten the information if you could control


Adonis glared back at me. “I say the orders, not you. You obey my rules, end of…”

“I obey your rules? You know what, go fuck yourself. Good luck getting the information out of that lady, Your Majesty,” I mocked.

I didn’t wait for Adonis’s reply as I stormed off. My anger must have been radiating off me as servants moved out of the way and looked at me in worry.

I stormed passed Adonis’s office where all my friends were. Niya looked at me concerned, but I paid no attention.

“You tell your king that he better not come anywhere near me,” I said, loudly of course because I wanted Adonis to hear.

Evan and Gabe looked at each other in worry, while I stormed toward my temporary room and slammed the door shut, causing things to rattle.

How dare he say those words to me? I won’t let him treat me like that. He needs to learn that he isn’t always right.

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When I finally decided to come out, I quickly got changed and exited the bathroom. No sign of Adonis yet. Was he still thinking on how to apologize?


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