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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 28

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 28

Gabe was already in the office when Adonis stormed in and picked up the phone. The tension in the room was evident. One person was missing, and that was Luke.

I looked at Gabe, who nodded. I guess that meant Luke was coming

“What the fuck do you want?” Adonis growled.

Bradley’s sickening laugh was heard. Adonis gripped the phone tighter while both Evan and Gabe clenched their fists. God, his laugh was awful.

“Is that any way to greet me, old friend?” Bradley’s voice sent shivers down my spine.

Luke walked in at that very moment and immediately went stiff. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Sophia held his hand for support while Luke stood there. Poor Luke, hearing his brother’s voice after years must be a shock for him.

“Don’t fucking mess with me. What do you want?” Adonis’s voice was getting louder.

I was stood away from Adonis, but Evan decided that wasn’t on. He pushed me forward so I bumped into Adonis.

Throwing a glare to Evan, I turned back to face my angry mate. Adonis took my hand and held onto it for dear life.

“Still not the most patient person, are we? I thought having a mate would change that,” Bradley tutted in the phone.

Adonis growled and pulled me closer to him. This Bradley guy knew exactly what to say to get on Adonis’s nerves, and mine too.

“Everyone must be there. Gabe, Evan, and even my little bro Luke. This is a warning. You played your game all those years ago, now I’m playing mine. Watch your back because you’ll never see me coming,” Bradley warned.

All the men tensed up and looked at each other.

“Is that a threat?” Adonis spat.

“No, it’s a promise,” Bradley replied.


“Oh. How could I forget? I never said hi to Her Majesty. Did you like your gift? It was my welcome gift to you. Dmitri, I hope you’re ready to give up your mate.” Bradley laughed.

Adonis couldn’t handle it; his body was shaking, and his eyes switched to pitch-black in seconds. His lycan had taken over. His loud growl caused objects to shake and fall.

“NO!” he yelled, throwing the phone and narrowly missing Gabe.

Before anyone could do anything, Adonis turned and jumped out the window.

“Fuck, Aarya!” Evan yelled, pulling me away just in time.

Glass went everywhere as Adonis smashed through it and landed safely outside.

His growl was heard, loud and clear, as he ran off.

For a few moments everyone stood there catching their breath and processing what just happened. I had an awful feeling after hearing this bastard speak

He really had no heart and was clearly messed up. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)That made him even more dangerous because no one knew what he was even capable of.

Gabe was the first one to speak. “Right, we need to get this mess cleaned up. Niya, you and Lexi go and find someone to clean this up. The rest of us, we need to talk.”

I can see why Adonis choose Gabe to be his second in command. Gabe knew exactly what to do.

We left the study and walked toward the second study. My lycan was whimpering, begging me to go and find Adonis because she could feel his lycan’s pain

As much as I wanted to go, I had to talk to the others. Plus, Adonis needed this time alone.

I entered the study and sat down. Everyone looked solemn.

“What do you think he’ll do?” I asked.

Evan sighed, “I have no idea. Bradley is unpredictable and dangerous. His warning is still replaying in my mind.”


“He wants you. He wants to hurt Adonis, just like Adonis hurt him, but in the worst way possible. What better way than to take his mate from him?” Luke stared right at me.

An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach as I shook my head.

“He can try all he wants, but he won’t even lay a finger on me. I won’t let him.”

“None of us will. You’re too important to Adonis and everyone here. What we need to do is stay cautious at all times. Any important information has to be between us and only us. It won’t surprise me if Bradley has a mole giving him information,” Gabe explained.

“Now what?” Evan asked.

“Well, I think I am going to train. I want to make sure the soldiers are ready for an attack any day.” Luke stood up, with Sophia by his side.

“Plus, this is a good distraction. Hearing Bradley’s voice. Well… it got to me.” Luke sighed.

“I wouldn’t expect anything different, man. Take care.” Gabe patted Luke on the back.

When Luke and Sophia left, Niya and Lexi walked in

“So…Dimitri?” Evan looked at me.

“I think he needs this time alone. He’s been going through a lot,” I replied.

“You know this is the first time in a long time that he just left. Before, he just had to run off so his lycan didn’t take over. Since you came, he never needed to because you kept him grounded. But I guess hearing that your old friend wants to hurt your mate would make anyone lose control,” Gabe chipped in.

“Dimitri takes really long runs,” Evan said.

“And I’ll be waiting for him when he comes back. I know you guys care for him, I can see it in your eyes. But I know he needs this time to think, to gather his thoughts. He needs his space, and I intend to give it to him.” I sighed.

“You’re the best thing that has happened to this kingdom. You don’t even realize that what you just said now proves you have a much deeper connection to Dimitri than you think. His feelings mean so much to you, and I respect that.” Gabe smiled.


Gabe just rolled his eyes and dragged Evan away.

“Because I believe in Adonis.” I shrugged.

“I don’t want our men to feel like they can’t bring us into any fight.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) We are just as strong as them, so we’ve gotta prove it to them. Hard times are arriving, we need to be there every step of the way for our mates. Give them love and support because that is what will drive them to defeat this son of a bitch.” I looked at both girls, who nodded.

Sighing, I stood up and walked out of Adonis’s study and headed to my room. It looked like it would be a long night for me.


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