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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 32


The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 32

My head felt heavy as I groaned. What the fuck had happened, and why

couldn’t I remember anything?

“Finally, you’re awake.” A familiar voice caused me to suddenly open my eyes.

Bradley stood there smirking at me. Seeing his face made me realize what the hell happened. The bomb, Bradley coming. Oh God…where was Sophia?

I struggled against my restraints, trying to look for Sophia. If this bastard touched her, I would kill him. Bradley noticed me struggling and just laughed.

“You won’t manage to get out of these. Your lycan is weak from that blast.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)” Bradley looked pleased with himself, but this idiot didn’t realize why I was struggling

“Where is Sophia?” I growled.

“Oh, you’re looking for her. She is back in the arms of her mate, my little brother,” Bradley replied.

He kept his word. I can’t believe that. This man wasn’t to be trusted. Ever.

“I do keep my word. Plus, she was of no use to me anyway. You’re the one I really wanted.” Bradley shrugged his shoulders.

“How pathetic that you had to place a bomb to kidnap me. You clearly can’t take on Adonis without playing dirty,” I scoffed.

Bradley growled and was about to lunge at me but stopped. “I am going to kill his mate. I am going to kill him, so I win. I always win.”

“What exactly do you get out of this? No power, no throne?” I asked, trying to stall him so Adonis had a chance to find me.

“I get revenge. Revenge on the man who did this to my face, who passed me off and gave my little brother more power. The power comes from the satisfaction that I broke Adonis. I broke the king.” Bradley looked



“You’re insane. How could you kidnap your own brother’s mate?” I shook my head in disbelief.

“Very easily because my brother never helped me. He stood there and watched. He was dead to me from the moment he took that position,” Bradley growled

“All this power has got to your head. You can’t even see the bigger picture, and that will be your biggest downfall. You’ll realize it too late.” I sighed.

“Ha! You’re telling me about my downfall? (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)You are the one who is tied to this chair and moments from her death.” Bradley shook his head at me.

“Yes, because I can’t tell you when I’m dead.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“She’s fucking stalling. Just kill her already.” A familiar voice had me gasping

Bradley looked at my shocked state and laughed. “Bet you didn’t expect that, did you?

What the actual fuck? What the hell was Savanah doing here?

Savanah smirked at me. “For the first time I’ve made you speechless.”

“What the hell are you doing here?” I growled.

Savanah rolled her eyes and stood by Bradley, who pulled her close to him. My eyes darted between them both before the realization settled in.

“You’re mates,” I breathed out.

“Yes, she’s mine.” Bradley smirked.

“But…what about Adonis and your uncle?” I asked Savanah, confused.

She laughed and shook her head. “I thought you were smart. I have never liked Dimitri, let alone loved. After what he did to my mate, why would I even want to spend time with him voluntarily.”

“So this was all part of your plan?” I asked.


Bradley looked at Savanah and said, “Might as well tell her since she’ll be dead before she can tell anyone.”

Savannah laughed. “I met Bradley months ago when I went with my uncle to visit the prisons. Some sort of safety check. I knew he was my mate as soon as we made eye contact.

“I came back later that night and broke him out. Seeing him in that position was awful. Then he told me what Dimitri did to him, and we planned our revenge.

“I made my uncle believe that I had a human mate who was dying so he would pose me to mate with Dimitri. The plan was to break him before he mated me.

“What we didn’t account for was him finding his mate. That worked in our favor, but we had to have you believe I was that jealous ex. Otherwise, you’d be suspicious

“Meanwhile, Bradley was planning Dimitri’s takedown using his own mate. You.”

“Adonis finding you really helped us. Killing you would kill Adonis, and he would be off that throne. Payback for what he did to me.” Bradley smirked.

Bradley pulled Savanah closer to him, and they both began making out. How fucking vile. I gagged, but they paid me no attention as they carried on eating each other’s faces off.

“Well, you guys are really made for each other.” Sarcasm dripped from my voice.

“Since deceit is your middle name. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)But I must say this plan you have really is amazing, except for one mistake. Underestimating Adonis,” I scoffed, causing them to break apart.

“What makes you think I am underestimating him?” Bradley asked.

“Well, for starters, you actually believe that you will manage to kill me before he gets here. I don’t think you know the power of the mate bond just yet.” I raised my eyebrows.

“Urgh, kill her already. Prove her wrong,” Savanah snapped.


“Time to say goodbye to this world, Your Majesty.” Bradley stalked toward me.

However, a bang stopped him in his tracks. He growled and turned around. A lycan frantically ran in, not realizing he interrupted Bradley.

“They…they found us.” He rushed out.

“Who?” Bradley was shaking in anger.

“Adonis.” I answered.

Bradley let out a huge growl before snapping the lycan’s neck with no hesitation. The poor lycan’s dead body fell to the ground, and Bradley kicked it in frustration. This man had no respect.

“How the fuck did he find us?” Savanah paced the room.

“Because the both of you got too cocky,” I replied before snapping the restraints that held me.

I stood up and threw the chair at Savanah, who ducked just in time. Pity.

“I will kill you.” Bradley stalked toward me.

“Come on then,” I taunted.

Bradley lunged at me, but I moved out of the way. He pulled my leg, so I tripped and hit the floor. Fuck. I quickly stood up and kicked Bradley in the balls. He fell back down the ground in pain.

Sorry, Adonis, I may not have used your training on this one, just my instincts.

A loud growl caused objects to rattle and my hairs to stand on end. That meant only one thing.

Adonis’s hold tightened on me as Gabe stepped out of the shadows with a sinister smile on his face.

“How do you think Aarya was drugged? (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)How did I sneak in without anyone noticing me? Gabe, of course. Savanah was still not as trusted as I had hoped, but luckily Gabe here helped me out. He was the one that drugged your precious mate.” Bradley revealed Gabe’s betrayal.

“I know what you’re thinking. Why? I did this because a change was needed. Dimitri was a good king, but things needed to change. I overheard Savanah on the phone to Bradley, and I decided Bradley was the best chance I had to take Dimitri down,” Gabe explained.


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