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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 4

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 Chapter


Niya and Diya were both standing there with looks of shock on their faces. Niya turned to her twin with a smirk. I looked at Carter and then at Diya and smiled

I silently thanked whoever is responsible for the pairing of mates. My best friend deserved an amazing mate, and he got one. And my cousin got lucky with Carter 

When I glanced at them both, theyre still just staring at each other. Sighing, I pushed Carter toward Diya. He clearly needed a push

Carter glared at me, and I laughed and pointed toward my cousin. Niya also gave Diya a little push before coming over to me. The new mates needed a little privacy it seemed

Niya hugged me, and I told her she looked beautiful

Our moment was interrupted by Sophia and Luke. Well thats a nice surprise,Sophia said

I nodded and smiled. I was very happy that Carter and Diya were mates. When I turned around, they were chatting and smiling

Carter held Diyas hand, and they made such a cute couple. Maybe Im biased

Well, ladies, I have to leave you. I need to talk to some of the others,Luke said, kissing Sophia on the forehead

We waved goodbye to Luke, and Sophia dragged Niya and me to a booth. We got comfortable, and Niya started chatting about pack life. Daily Latest udate www.Noveljar.com

She told us how since she and Diya turned eighteen, the unmated males of her pack would follow them around everywhere

They wanted to be mates with one of the twins because their dad was Beta of their pack 

Niya told us how annoying it was and there was one pack member that wouldnt take no for an answer

I told Niya they wont come near you today because you are with the lycans. I glanced at Sophia to see her reaction, but I saw the tension in her face. 

Looking around, I saw many lycans looked tense

They looked like they were trying to be happy, but it wasnt working. I could see that they were tensed, and I wondered why

Turning back to Sophia, I was about to ask her, but the tension I saw before was no longer there. I glared at her happily chatting to Niya. Daily Latest udate www.Noveljar.com

After being friends for years, I knew she was hiding the fact that something was wrong

Sophia avoided eye contact with me and then I decided to say something

Okay, whats the matter? Dont say nothing, Sophia, because I know you too well,I said, folding my arms

I dont know whether thats a blessing or a curse,Sophia muttered

I raised my eyebrows, knowing she was attempting to change the subject

Fine, Ill tell you,Sophia relented. Daily Latest udate www.Noveljar.com

Well, there has been a big issue regarding the king. The councils of alphas voiced their displeasure about our king ruling without a mate. Daily Latest udate www.Noveljar.com

This was only two days ago, but it was clear they had wanted to say this for a long time. They complained that the king isnt stable because he doesnt have a mate and mates keep each other grounded

No one is there for the king in the way he needs. It is getting so bad that when the king gets angry, he has to be detained

There is a special room where he is chained to stop his lycan from coming out, otherwise his lycan would wreck everything

The council said this was a hazard and it wasnt safe for the kingdom, so they proposed a deal. There is a female lycan whose mate is a werewolf, but he is dying 

Since they never marked each other, the council thinks that it is possible for the king and this female tomate, I dont think they know what theyre talking about. After all, they are werewolves

Our king would be in a relationship that is forced. His lycan will never accept anyone but their mate and forcing them to mate could be more dangerous than the council thinks.” 

Sophia paused to take a breath

I sat there in shock; the poor king. He is being forced to mate to someone else. Surely he could have just refused

But couldnt he have just said no? He is the king after all,Niya said, voicing my thoughts

No, he cant. If he did, then he would be ignoring the majority of the alphas, and that isnt how a king should be.Sophia sighed

I just dont understand how alphas can expect that of him.Niya shook her head



What annoys me is that the kings mate is out there, and she was born to be queen. This female isnt. All of us lycans are having a hard time coming to terms with the councils decision. You know we are very loyal, so we cant grasp the fact that our king will have to mate with someone other than his actual mate. It is crazy.Sophia shook her head

I feel so bad for the king. He is doing all of this just to appease the alphas.I sighed. For some reason my heart hurt

Sophia nodded in agreement. She then briefly mentioned that the king hasnt been out of his room since the arrangement was discussed

Sophia said he has the whole floor to himself but didnt come out of his room once

She suspected he is feeling guilty about the arranged mating because he probably feels as if he is betraying his mate

Niya said that she wishes he finds his mate soon. Sophia said thats one of the reasons these balls are held, so he can find his mate

So far, he has had no luck, which means either his mate is too young, shes a human, or she isnt alive

I hoped fate wasnt too cruel to our poor king that his mate is dead before they even met. We changed the subject pretty quickly and began to talk about other things 

Niya mentioned how she wants to find her mate as quickly as possible to stop her pack members lusting after her.  

Since Diya found her mate, she would now move out and come to my pack. This means Niya will be left with the males of her pack

I knew the girls wanted to ask about Hunter, so I told them that I didnt want to talk about it. Hunter had found his mate, and I was moving on with my life 

Sophia asked if I wanted her to scare Hunter, and I laughed but refused. Suddenly the atmosphere changed; the tension was evident

My wolf began to stir, so I looked around. All the lycans were focused on someone walking up the stairs

My wolf began to get angry, and I had no idea why. I grabbed onto the table to stop myself from shifting 


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