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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 You safe me

The sound of Piki screaming made Peach feel for Elijah, her fingers poking his nose and eyes as her palm rubbed against his face, and she whispered, “Babe, the baby is crying.”

Sleepily, Elijah opened his eyes and then closed them, moaning out a breath as he mumbled, “I am up.”

Yet, he was still laying with his eyes closed, but another scream from Piki made him jump from his sleep, shouting, “I am up, baby! Daddy is up!”

Then he jumped from the bed, rushing to her crib, and reached into it, scooping her up and cradling her, singing nonsense. words at her that made Peach giggle sleepily.

Even though the two weeks of taking care of a newborn were challenging, Elijah refused a nursery for the baby, allowing her to sleep in his room, and denied the offer of a nanny.

His heart won’t let him trust a soul other than his internal family around his daughter, after everything that he and Peach had gone through.

“Shush,” Elijah murmured quietly at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Is your pamper wet?”

His pace was slow as he led her to the changing table, and then he rested her gently on the table.

The sleep that once overwhelmed Peach, faded, and she raised her eyelids to watch her husband changing their daughter, and her heart melted like it’s been doing for the past days, seeing how involved he was with their child.

After Elijah was all done, he picked up Piki, but soon she started bawling again, and Elijah looked over at Peach and said, “I think she’s hungry.”


It took Peach a second, but she finally sat up, stretching her hand out to him, said, “Let me have her.”

After approaching the bed, Elijah handed the little one to Peach, who settled down in her arms, and then she took out her breast, placing the nipple in Piki’s mouth while Elijah popped down beside her with a sigh.

The two sat in a comfortable silence as Piki suckled away, and eventually, after about ten minutes, Peach mumbled, “Is the court still refusing to hand over the CCTV footage of the courtyard?”

“It’s sensitive footage. So I understand why it’s taking a bit of time to persuade the judge to issue it over to us.” Elijah said, looking at their daughter. “Also, I am not there, in person with Ryan and the others, so they might have it a bit difficult-”

“Do you want to.. like umm…” Peach stuttered, biting her lip, and then she asked quickly, “Do you want to head over that-”

“Nooo… I don’t. I trust Ryan and the others to figure this out and handle it. Being here with Piki and you is what’s important.” Elijah replied calmly, running his hand slowly down Peach’s arm before his eyes fell on his little girl sleeping peacefully, her dark lashes covering her eyes.

When Peach looked down at their daughter, she hesitated for a while and then said, “About what your mother said the other day…”

“What did she say?” Elijah asked softly, looking over at her.

“Piki having a newborn photography session, I think that would be nice.”

“Peach, I-”

“I know that you still blame yourself for what happened to me when I was pregnant, but we can not allow Melina to

haunt our lives forever. I am fine, Piki is here with us, and I just want us to start living again and enjoying life. You deserve happiness, so please stop beating yourself up.” Peach said, turning her body towards Elijah to look at him.

It fell silent between them for a few moments, and then Elijah said, “She’s asleep. I should take her to her crib.”

Seeing that he wasn’t quite ready to let go of that trauma, Peach gently handed Piki to him.

After taking her out of her mother’s hands, he rested her on his chest, her tummy and back nice and straight, and then patted her back gently until she burped.

Then he took her back to her crib and laid her flat on her stomach before focusing on Peach.

“That day was one of the worst days of my life, to see you fall down that stairs, thinking, “This is it. This is how I lost both my wife and baby because of my past sin and my mistakes of overlooking the threats that still surrounded us…” Elijah began, his voice softening as he recalled his darkest memories. “I was going mad at the thought of losing you and Piki, and

I hated myself for not being able to save you, not being able to protect you guys.”

“But you did save us. You saved me, Elijah. Do you even give yourself credit for the things you have done? Beating yourself is not fair because in my eyes, you did everything right for our baby and me, and you are still doing an amazing job.” Peach softly uttered. “Elijah, please look at me.”

With a sigh, Elijah turned towards her, holding her gaze, and said, “I know you mean well. And I want to believe you. But I just-”

“There’s only so much you can do as a man, a husband, and a father. I know the

weight that comes with such responsibility. But babe, you are already doing so much as it is, and Piki and I are here because of you. Can you at least see that and be proud of yourself?” Peach suggested with a smile.

After a moment, Elijah gave her a small smile in return, and then he walked over toward the bed, and squatted in front of Peach, resting his palms on her thigh as he mumbled, “You really want that photoshoot, huh,”

“Elijah, you know this isn’t just about the photo shoot.” Peach cried with a pout.

A laugh escaped his lips at the look of frustration she wore, and then he leaned forward, kissing her forehead gently, and then saying, “I know that it’s not, and I will try my best, starting from today…”

Seeing the confused look on her face, he explained further. “We can have the photoshoot, not tomorrow, but today… I don’t want us telling them about Piki and then giving them time to do anything funny before they get here. So, tell mom to call the studio, and we will do it today, at home,”

‘A win is a win,’ Peach whispered in her head, giving Elijah a quick kiss on the lips and saying, “Thank you, babe.”

At twelve o’clock, the sound of the doorbell made James rush for the door, and when he pulled it open, he found Ryan and Matt standing there.

“You got it?” James asked hopefully, knowing if he did, that will make them one step closer to seeing the baby.

“Yes!!!” Ryan yelled.

Immediately, James grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him, jumping in excitement, “Yes! Thank you!”


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