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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181 A face in the crowd

With a smile on his face, Elijah held Piki with one hand, and in his other hand, his phone as he walked around the garden.

It took a moment for his call to get answered, and when Bryan’s face appeared in the video call, he blurted out,

“I can not believe I am saying this, but congratulations, Senator Checks on winning the election.”

It grew silent for a second, and then both men burst into laughter, excitement clear in each of their voices.

“Thanks, Bro,” Bryan said after they had caught their breath. “For everything. I mean it from the depths of my heart. Today wouldn’t have been possible without your help.”

“I was just paying my debt to you.” Elijah teased, and then said with a bit of remorse in his voice. “I am just sad that I couldn’t be there in person today to watch you speak to the public. But all of my men are going to be there to show my support.”

“I appreciate that. Also, you got Piki and Peach to be there for, so I understand.”


The call went silent for a split second, and then Bryan asked, “Where is our princess? Uncle had been so busy with running campaigns and the election that he had not visited. I feel terrible!”

“I understand. But your hard work has paid off. You finally got what you always wanted, your revenge…” Elijah said, giving Bryan a pride look

Then he pulled the phone away from his face and showed it to Piki, in his other hand, her eyes shining as she stared at the screen.

Immediately, she tried to snatch the phone from her dad, making a ton of baby noise as her saliva dripped from her chin onto her bib.

Knowing that she wanted to suck on his phone, Elijah gently pulled the phone away from her as Bryan said, “Why is she growing up so fast. Four weeks ago, she was still wrapped in a blanket, and now, she has a month old!”

“Believe me, no one wants to slow down time more than I do.” Elijah chuckled softly.

Frustrated that her father took the phone away from her, Piki turned around in his arms and started to cry, loudly as she made grabby hands toward the phone.

A soft chuckle left Bryan’s lips as Elijah said, “She wants my phone.’

Just then Peach’s voice made Piki stop crying, and Elijah turned and stared at his wife as she asked, “What’s up with you two?”

“She wants to suck on my phone,” Elijah said, smiling down at his daughter.

“Good morning, Peach.” Bryan’s voice echoed from the speaker.

“Oh, Mr. Checks. Congratulations on winning the election. And a pleasant morning to you too.” Peach said sweetly.

Then she stared at her husband, saying,

Let me take her off your hand.”

Calmly, Elijah handed Piki over to Peach who held her, and she then leaned over and kissed his cheek before walking off.

“Have you found the guy Dean was with at the courthouse that day?” Bryan asked, causing Elijah’s face to turn serious.

“No. The footage was the only lead we had on him. Ryan and the others are still trying to find him. Mr. Bamford and his men are also looking for him.” Elijah said, his expression hardening.

There was a brief pause when Bryan suddenly heard his dressing room door open, and he looked back to see his assistant, who said in a humble tone,

Senator Checks, the program will start at five.”

Sighing, Bryan faced the mirror, staring at the reflection of his burgundy velvet blazer combined with black wool pants and a black dress shirt, and then he said, I will be out soon.”

“After she left, Bryan focused on the call with Elijah and then said, “Remember that except the dead, resting in their grave, no one is invisible to the naked eye. You will get him.”

“I hope so,” Elijah replied, a small smile on his lips. “You should go and kill that speech. I will be watching from my living room.”

After their call had ended, Elijah put his phone in his pocket, and headed inside, going straight into the living room.

The moment he popped down on the couch, he reached for the remote and then turned on the TV, skipping channels until he got to the one showing Bryan’s inauguration ceremony.

The view of the entire hall was tremendous on his screen, and he relaxed in his seat.

Just then, Peach’s head popped beside his as she slightly led over the couch and whispered, “The ceremony has started?”

“Yep,” Elijah said, patting the space beside him.

Immediately, she passed around the country and sat beside him with Piki, and the three of them silently watched the event.

“There’s Matt, Ryan, Dice, Jerome, Rookie, Scorpio, and James in the right corner, on the second roll to the last,” Peach said, pointing at the screen.

A small smile tugged on Elijah’s lips to see his men present as he had asked of them, respecting his wish.

The grand hall was crowded with people, but when the ceremony began, the entire room grew voiceless and only the host’s voice could be heard echoing.

Calmly Peach and Elijah watched in silence for a couple of minutes, their eyes glued on the tv, while Piki napped in her arms.

Suddenly, Elijah’s brows snapped together when he noticed a face in the crowd, a face that he had been searching for weeks now.

“Why is he there?” Elijah asked, reaching for his phone.

“Who?” Peach asked with concern laced in his voice.

Pointing to the screen, Elijah frowned as he said, “The last row at the back… the tall man, who is built like a tank and with the thickest brows, wearing a black leather jacket.”

Immediately, Peach singled out the person he was referring to, and her jaw dropped.

“That’s the guy Dean left within the footage.” Peach cried, staring in disbelief.

“Exactly!” Elijah let out a bit of excitement.

Then he focused on his screen, dialing Matt’s number, and then stared back at the screen.

The vibration of his phone made Matt jump a little, and the others stared at him in concern.


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