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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 179

Chapter 179 I love you

Early that morning, Madam Maxwell was a bit on the edge as she walked around the kitchen, tasting and giving instructions for every meal the maids were preparing.

Her eyes would occasionally flicker from stove to pots and pans, her lips pursed in concentration.

Finally, the sound of Miss Grace’s voice

drew her attention to the kitchen doorway when she heard, “Elijah, Peach, and the baby are home.”

A look of raw excitement came over Lisa’s face and she smiled widely as she rushed out of the kitchen with Miss Grace following closely behind.

When they got into the living room, both their eyes were wet with tears to see little Piki in the car seat that Elijah was hoping for, and suddenly, the two days of waiting felt worth it for both grandmothers.

Not wasting a second, Miss Grace ran to Elijah while Mrs. Maxwell rushed for Peach and they pulled the couple into a tight hug.

“Thank you, Elijah. Thank you.” Miss Grace cried at her son-in-law.

Even though Elijah was trying to keep up the tough appearance, hearing his mother, wife, and mother-in-law all crying historically, he just couldn’t find anything but happiness inside, at the moment.

They had been through so much together and knowing that these were tears of joy just made this moment even more special to him.

The sound of footsteps made everyone turn to see Mr. Maxwell walking through

I love you the doorway, and when he and Elijah’s eyes locked, he whispered, “Father,”

“Come here, my boy.” Mr. Maxwell said with open arms.

Immediately, Elijah handed the car seat to Peach and walked over to his father, who engulfed him in a big hug.

“You did it. You did it, son.” Mr. Maxwell whispered, his voice cracking.

‘Did I?’ Elijah thought as the nagging feeling returned.

Looking at both Elijah and then Peach, Miss Grace said, “Give me Piki… You two should head upstairs and freshen up for breakfast.”

A moment later, when Peach and Elijah entered the room, she stopped in her steps, looking at him with this hesitant look on her face when he said, “Gosh, I miss you and I having privacy in our own space.”

At first, Elijah didn’t notice her because as he took off his shirt, his mind was still on Dean and how everything went down.

Finally, when his t-shirt was off, he turned to see her standing there, looking at him with this unsure look on her face, pulling at the edge of her t-shirt.

“What is it?” Elijah asked softly, seeing that she was struggling with something.

“It’s nothing.” Peach mumbled with a shaky smile. “You should take a shower first.”

It took him a moment to process his thoughts and then he looked at her in confusion before saying, “Why can’t we do it together?”

The past months of pregnancy had changed her body so much that, for once in Peach’s life, she was insecure to take her clothes off in front of someone else, especially Elijah.

The more he stared at her, Peach started to fiddle with the hem of her shirt again as she tried to think of something to say, but she found nothing. When Elijah noticed her discomfort, his curiosity was now aroused.

“Is there something wrong?” He asked, stepping closer to her, concern evident in his expression. “Are you uncomfortable or something?”

As much as his heart would be hurt if she was unhappy, he wanted to make sure she was okay, and Peach’s heart ached

when he put his hand gently on her shoulder, and she swallowed her fear, but it got stuck in her throat.

“Peach, talk to me. You are scaring me right now.” Elijah softly said.

Immediately, she closed her eyes, taking I love you deep breaths, and slowly opening them when the urge to let Elijah know what was going on was overwhelming her, and then she finally found the strength to mumble out, “I just don’t feel comfortable with my… body. My stomach is not how it used to be… I have gained a bit of…”

“I love you,” Elijah said, looking straight into her eyes as she silently stared at him. “I love you so damn much, Peach Hayes. Maxwell. I am in love with your smile, your beautiful heart, the sound of your laugh, how your eyes sparkle when you’re happy and excited…”

Then he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her on the forehead before pulling her closer, resting his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent deeply before whispering, “I love the smell of you, the rhythm of your heartbeat, how kind and sweet you are… How you care… How you worry… I love the taste of your food, of your lips, of you…You are perfect. Every inch of you, in and out.”

Slowly, Peach melted into Elijah’s warmth and wrapped her arms around his waist, sighing contently as he whispered, “It’s okay for you to feel this way. It’s okay if you don’t want us in the shower together… If you want me to turn around while you undress, I will even do that. But know that I will wait for you… for the day you don’t need me to do these things anymore.”

Looking up to meet Elijah’s eyes, Peach chuckled lightly at his words before pulling away slightly, cupping his cheeks.

Then she leaned forward slowly, tapping- toe her to place a small peck on his soft lips before kissing his nose bridge, the corners of his eyes, and his cheekbones. 1

Once she reached his chin she kissed him fully, smiling when she could feel his breath catch and when he placed his hands on her back.

Pulling back slightly, she stared directly into his eyes, letting her gaze travel down his face and then lower, landing on his lips. “How about we go shower together?”

A moment later, Ethan and Peach were fully dressed in black sweatpants, the mood between them light. a

But then Elijah looked over at his phone. and his mood shifted a bit as he got lost in the feeling that has been haunting him for a while now.

Suddenly, he felt Peach’s hands wrapped around his waist as her chin rested on his back, and he heard her mumble, “Say it?”

“I don’t think Dean was the one that hired Michael.” Elijah finally sput it out, feeling relieved that he had gotten this off his chest.

“Okay,” Peach said in an understanding tone.

“Officer Michael had been working at the courthouse for years. His salary is a good figure. I just can’t wrap my head around how Dean was about to paid him when he had nothing to his name.”

“That makes sense.”

Turning around in her arms, Elijah met Peach’s eyes and said, “I also feel like I am reaching-”

“Honey, you are not overreacting. You have a gut feeling, and you should do what it’s telling you.” Peach interjected, rubbing her thumb across his jawline.

“You think?”


A faint smile came over Elijah’s lips and then he said, “I should call Rookie then.”

The dining table was covered with food and yet, no one was eating as Rookie, Matt, James, and Ryan sat there, in their thoughts.


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