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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 183

Epilogue one

“Three months! She’s three freaking months,” Elijah mumbled, looking down at his baby and smiling at her in her crib. “Can she stop growing?”

A laugh escaped Peach’s lips as she stared at her husband standing over their daughter’s crib and then she walked over to him wrapping her arms around his waist, saying, “She is not going to stop growing. You have to prepare your heart to watch her become a woman.”

“I don’t want her to…” Elijah said as Piki grabbed his hand, trying to pull it into her mouth.

“There’s nothing we can do about that, honey. All we can do is be there for her and record her growth, so we can have something to look back on. That’s why today is important.”

“I know, babe… Honestly, I can’t wait for them to meet her.”

A knock on the couple made Peach let go of Elijah and walked over to the door, and when she opened it, Miss Grace was standing there with a smile on her face.

“Matt and the others are here.” Miss

Grace said, causing Elijah to raise his head and gaze at the doorway.

Because of Bryan’s case with Landon Rayan, the others had to stay back with him for a couple of weeks, so today was going to make the first day of them seeing Piki.

With a smile that reached his eyes, Elijah took Piki out of her crib and rushed with her out of the room, making Peach and Miss Grace chuckle at his excitement.

When Elijah arrived at the staircase, Matt and the others were awaiting him, and when they raised their heads and saw Elijah with Piki their eyes beamed with excitement as Elijah raised her in the air.

“Little Boss, is so cute!” Scorpio, Matt, Ryan, Jame, Rookie, Jerome, Dice, Larry, Ricky, and James all said in unison.

And then they all slightly bow as a sign of respect and loyalty towards Piki, their hearts swelling with love for her.

Calmly, Elijah walked down the stairs with his daughter, and when he reached the group, he handed Piki to James, who looked into her eyes, listening to her giggle, and said, “She is even more perfect in person than in the pictures.”

After holding her, he passed her to Matt, and carefully, Matt brought her up and kissed her forehead before saying, “I vow to protect you until my last breath.”

Then after his turn, he passed her to Rookie, and Rookie tenderly cradled her close to his chest, and said, “My loyalty will never waver towards you, Little Boss.”

A moment later, Ryan rushed for Piki, taking her carefully from Rookie and hugging her gently, saying, “You have a lawyer for a lifetime. Free of charge.”

Eagerly, Dice waited for his turn, and when it was his time, he held Piki and said, “If anyone ever looks at you the wrong way, I will not let it slide.”

Staring at him, Piki chuckled, and Larry, Jerome, and Ricky said in unison, “Don’t worry little boss! We will protect you with our lives.”

When it was Scropio’s time to hold her, he gently put her in his arms, and she giggled, looking up at him and reaching forward with her tiny hands, and tears settled in his eyes.

“He’s crying” Elijah whispered, not expecting that his men will get so emotional over his daughter.

Wiping away his tears with a sniff,

Scorpio cried, “Your father trusted me and save me at the lowest point in my life. I vow to spend my life serving you, little boss.”

His words triggered the rest of the group and they all started crying. The moment they all had waited for three months was finally here and seeing how cubby and cute she was just made them all emotional with love.

“I can’t believe a baby made a bunch of grown men cry.” Peach whispered to her mother as they stared from the staircase.

“Your husband has built a community for your daughter, and I can just see her growing up with so much love and protection having them as uncles.” Miss Grace said, tears still running down her cheeks as she watched the scene in front of her.

Patting her mother back, Peach smiled at them doting on her daughter and she mumbled, “They are going to spoil her rotten.”

“That’s good. Your daughter gets to have a better life, and break the family circle of trauma. I am happy for you baby.” Miss Grace cried, snuggling into her daughter’s arm.

When James raised his head and stare at Miss Grace, he smiled and then focused on Peach, saying, “Thank you for giving us our little boss, Peach, dear!”

Immediately, Matt and the others focus on Peach, and they all suddenly bowed deeply, staying that way for a couple of minutes. The hall grew silent, but it was the loudest silence Peach had ever known.

Tears started rolling down her face as she looked at the sight in front of her and she clutched onto her chest, smiling at them all.

After they raised their head, Matt smiled at Elijah and said, “We brought gifts. I hope that’s okay.”

“Of course.” Elijah laughed, knowing Piki already had a lot of things, but refuse to turn away their gifts.

“Great. We will go out for it them.” Ryan said, excitement laced in his voice.

In a rushed, they all walked out of the mansion, and a moment later, they returned with a bunch of wrapped huge boxes.

In one of Rookie’s hands, he carried an enormous white teddy bear, Matt was holding a pink kid ford mustang in his grips, Larry was carrying a large stuffed horse, and Jame was holding a beautiful purple unicorn…

“She’s three months,” Peach laughed.

See. I told you that they are going to spoil her rotten.”

A moment later, the dining table was covered in food as everyone sat around it. The room was filled with the sound of laughter and excited voices.

Then Mr. Maxwell suddenly stood up, clinging his glass gently to get everyone’s attention, and said, “I have a few words to say.

The room grew quiet as everyone turned to look at him, and he cleared his throat, looking over at Elijah, and Peach as she held his only granddaughter.

“Son, I am sorry that it took so long to see the man that you are and not the man that I wanted you to be. I got lost in parenting you, that I forgot that I was raising another human, with his dreams, feeling, plans, and thoughts… I am proud of you… of the man, you have become.” He said with a smile.

When Peach looked at her husband, she could tell from the look in his eyes that he had waited years to hear this.


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