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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 


The inflatable boat finally capsized

Winslet was splashed by the surging water and struggled weakly

Not far away, Madeline was swimming calmly

Winslet was full of hatred. At first, she planned to fall into the water that day

She did not want to actually fall into the water

It was such a horrible scene

Winslet yelled, Help! Help me!” 

Someone swam toward Winslet

Winslet fixed her eyes on the figure and noticed it was Benjamin

Before Benjamin could swim over, he seemed to have no strength and was splashed away by a wave

BenjaminWinslet really cried

She did not want anyone who loved her to die in front of her

Harley was swimming and subconsciously swam toward Winslet 

For some reason, his state that day was particularly bad

He felt unusual all over

The strength in his body was decreasing rapidly

Gradually, he was slightly tired

Crap!cursed Harley in his heart

Then, he sank into the water

The whole mountain retreat was surrounded by the thunderstorm

It was scary

In the mountain retreat, Layla went mad. Why did it suddenly rain so heavily? Why would it suddenly rain? The weather forecast clearly says that it won’t rain! Hurry up and send someone to the reservoir! My children are still there!” 

Layla’s legs grew weak, and she wailed in the hall wearing pajamas

If they had not left in time earlier, it would be dangerous for them

Thomas held Layla, and his back was covered in cold sweat

That’s right, Quick! Ask someone to rescue them. What are you waiting for?questioned Thomas

There was only a weak little girl at the reception. But I can’t get through. The phone line may be damaged. The thunder just 



19:05 Thu, Sep 12 

Chapter 46 

nowNow we have to fix the phone before we can dial to ask for help… 

The little girl was so scared that she almost cried

Hearing that, Layla almost fainted while clutching her chest

HowThe huge mountain retreatWhere are your security guards and the search and rescue team?asked Layla

Layla’s voice was terribly weak

Her eyes 


I don’t know. I can’t get in touch with them,answered the receptionist

The whole mountain retreat seemed to be isolated from the world

It was full of despair

Thomas also felt defeated. No, maybe they’re fine. Let’s go and have a look now” 

The receptionist also rushed out, only to find that the road to the reservoir had collapsed

We can’t pass now. You have to walk past the water if you want to go there. But it’s very deep” 

Thomas suddenly seemed to age

He hurriedly took out his phone and dialed the emergency number

The other side of the line soon received the call for help and rushed to dispatch the search and rescue personnel

The receptionist was at a loss and only felt that something was wrong with the mountain retreat that night

The night was already late

An hour and a half passed

The search and rescue team finally arrived

Layla seemed to have seen her savior. You’re finally here. Hurry up and save my children. They’re in the reservoir” 

She cried that her voice was hoarse, causing her words not very clear

The search and rescue personnel dared not to delay, so they hurried over

Another hour passed

They brought back seven unconscious people

Layla was almost scared to death when she saw her children being carried over. How could this have happened? They were 

all fine before” 

One of the search and rescue personnel hurriedly said, They’re fine. They’ve only choked on water. We’ve done emergency treatment just now.” 

That’s good, then. Everything is fineLayla took a look and found that Winslet was still breathing

Her five sons were all pale, and their chests were still slightly heaving

Fortunately, Benjamin from the Moore family was fine


19:05 Thu, Sep 12 RA 

Chapter 46 

Otherwise, the Moore family would hold the Larson family accountable. The Larson family could not afford that


Thank you. You’re really the saviors of our family.While speaking, Layla was about to cry again. Everyone is here. They’re all right now.” 

Are you sure? Didn’t you say there were eight people before?asked one of the search and rescue personnel

Thomas nodded hurriedly. Yes. There are eight people.” 

When he came to his senses, his expression suddenly turned extremely dull

Thomas questioned, How could there be only seven people? Where’s another one? Haven’t you brought her over yet? Is it because the stretchers are not enough, so you left one person behind?” 

The search and rescue personnel frowned. When we arrived, only seven people were on the reservoir’s shore. They all had symptoms of drowning. If you’re sure that there’s another person, that person probably saved these seven people. But as for where the person is now, I’m afraid it’ll only be known when the rain stops and the search and rescue scope expands.” 

Thomas staggered two steps backward

So eight people fell into the water, and seven of them drowned. Maddie saved seven of them by herself. She didn’t come up,” muttered Thomas

Layla stood up. Impossible! She must have run away by herself. With her selfishness, she wouldn’t risk her life to save others.” 

At that moment, the doctor also came

The other search and rescue personnel hurried over

One of the personnel said, Captain, we found a camera on the shore. It seems that it has recorded everything.” 

The captain suddenly got excited. Can the camera still be turned on?” 

It’s damaged by the water, but the memory card should still be accessible. I guess I’ll bring it back to the team for recovery.” 

The captain nodded. You’re the victim’s family, right? Now, we’ll continue the search and rescue. We’ll also restore this memory card. The soonest will be tomorrow morning before we can reveal the contents of this card to you.” 

Time quickly passed by

Six hours had passed

The rain had already stopped

The sky turned bright again

When the search and rescue team came back without anything, everyone sighed

Many staff and customers in the mountain retreat felt sorry


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