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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 

Henry clenched his fists, his veins standing out and his temples pulsating

Impossible! Absolutely, positively impossible!Henry’s eyes were filled with resistance, his voice deep and ominous

Outside, the sunlight still shone brightly, but Madeline was gone 

Henry used to hate Madeline so much

This time, I saw clearly. It was her.” 

Henry did not make a mistake this time

He wanted to tell Madeline, to let her know that he had not made a mistake this time

Henry’s face was pale

Henry had thought that if he survived, he would make it up to Madeline

Madeline had saved him time and time again

Henry was not heartless


The nurse said, You should try not to get too agitated. They’re still searching, and we’ll have news today.” 

Searching?Henry’s vision almost darkened. He glared at the nurse with anger. What nonsense are you talking about?” 

Maddie saved me. If something happened to her, I wouldn’t be okay,he mused

He continued, We were together at the time.” 

By the end, his voice was trembling

Could a search be for a person?he wondered. Searches were only for bodies.” 

The nurse hesitated. The rescue team speculates that she saved all seven of you alone. After all, she’s just a little girl. She might have exhausted herself in the end. Every summer, there are so many news stories like this.” 

Shut up! Get out!Henry ground his teeth, bending over deeply There was a buzzing sound in his ears, a taste of blood coating his throat, and his heart felt like a knife was stabbing it

The nurse shook her head, understanding his feelings. 

After they had left, Lucas sat outside in a daze, looking toward the direction of the reservoir

Many search team members were busy in the reservoir, the sound of pumps roaring like thunder

It sounded grating

Lucas, don’t be so devastated. Maddie wouldn’t want to see you like this.Winslet’s expression was somber as she squatted in front of Lucas. Last night was just an accident. Who would wish for something like this to happen?” 

That’s enough.” Lucas suppressed his emotions, his fingers clutching his head in frustration

He sat there, on the verge of breaking down


19:06 Thu, Sep 12

Chapter 47 



Last night, after I’d nearly drowned, I thought I was a goner.His voice was hoarse as if he was choking. I have no idea how she managed to save us.” 

And, most importantly, Madeline was Lynn

Until the end, Lucas had not even given her a kind glance

He regretted it deeply and thought to himself, Why didn’t I believe her last night?” 

Maybe it wasn’t even her who saved us. How could she possibly rescue all of us by herself?Winslet furrowed her brows. What if the current pushed us to the shore? The water was so swift then, and the rain was pouring heavily. She’s not a deity.” Winslet’s tone turned more skeptical

Winnie, I’m begging you. Please stop talking.Lucas raised his eyes, bloodshot and emotionfilled

A shiver ran down Winslet’s spine

Madeline is finally gone. But why did her death suddenly make everyone in the family seem so off?Winslet wondered. She stood up, staring at Lucas, who was languishing. Lucas has always been the least kind to Madeline, Why is Lucas looking all torn up like that? Did he care for Madeline?” 

Winslet felt a surge of anxiety. She went to find Benjamin

Benjamin was lying on the hospital bed when Winslet showed up

In that instant, a trace of pain flitted across his eyes

In a daze, he mistook Winslet for Madeline. Maddie” 

Winslet stiffened, her face turning exceedingly.grave

Look closely. I’m not Maddie,she stammered, her voice tense with unease. I’m Winnie, okay?” 

Winslet reached out to touch Benjamin, but he raised his hand to stop her

Is the camera’s memory card fixed? Did the video capture what happened last night?” 

Winslet felt uneasy. Benjamin, I didn’t cause Maddie’s death, so why are you suddenly so distant from me?” 

I’m not being distant with you.Benjamin lowered his gaze. I’m justworried that Maddie wouldn’t be pleased if she saw. Shemight still be around.” 

A shiver ran down Winslet’s spine, and a sense of fear washed over her

Maddie’s death isn’t confirmed yet. I’m upset, too, and I believe she’s always been blessed by the heavens.” 

Benjamin sighed heavily. Whyhe mumbled to himself as if questioning his own actions. Why did we have to go to the reservoir last night? If we hadn’t gone, this wouldn’t have happened. They say Maddie saved us.” 

Winslet felt like exploding. Maddie, MaddieWhen she was alive, everyone despised her,she complained in her heart. And now that she’s dead, they’re still mentioning Madeline. It’s so sickening!” 

It’s all my 

fault. It’s all because I wanted to go to the reservoir.After saying that icily, Winslet lost control of her emotions and stormed out of the room

Outside, she clutched her head, feeling absolutely miserable

Madeline was dead as she had wished. So, why did everything turn even worse?she wondered. Why did they have to reminisce about a dead person? Why did they have to feel guilty for Maddie?” 


19:06 Thu, Sep 12 AM

Chapter 47 

Until the afternoon, there was still no sign of Madeline

The search and rescue team gave Henry a memory card before leaving

They got into their car, but right then, they were seven instead of the eight who had come

They headed straight to the Moore residence



That was supposed to be the engagement cancellation banquet of the Moore family and the Larson family, and they should have been there

Guests were already gathered at the venue, murmuring among themselves

It’s already five in the afternoon. Why haven’t Benjamin and the Larson family shown up?” 

I don’t know. Maybe the Larson family changed their mind about calling it off? After all, if they cancel, it would tarnish the girl’s reputation.” 

Ah, I’ve heard that the girl’s character is terrible. This breakup should have been a done deal!” 

The Larson family’s two daughtersThe biological one is not as good as the adopted daughter.” 

Everyone was whispering

They had no idea about the tragedy that had occurred the previous night

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, Here they come!” 


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