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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

What’s the matter? Can’t Deed you?

Madeline stared at Caleb codidly

once but to open her

imouth obediently

The mudhan an soups, enriched with chestnuts, delighted the palate with a subtle sweeties

Madeline savored the soup, jaking her time with cach sip

In no time, she had comammed most of it 

When Calch offered the sposon again, she pulled away slightly and uttered, “I can’t have anymore. 

You’re so skinny, and you don’t have much appetite. Starting tomorrow, I’ll personally oversee all your murals, Caleli stated with a hint of disilain

Madeline rubbed her bloated stomach and stole a glance at Caleb

She mumbled As the CEO of Glorious Group now, I expect 

will my to 

y to wis my favor

Caleb nodded, Of course. Don’t you want to push the Larson Lamily?” 

I know you still hair to attend school, so you won’t have the time to manage the company. You’re just the Gbo in 

exert much effort to punish the Larson family need to issir the command.” 

Madeline gazed at his rosary beads and persistently reminded him. Caleb, you’re a Christian

Calch scoffed, Whoever claimed that Christians don’t take lives?” 

He stopped laughing and caressed Madeline’s head

That’s enough. It’s time to go to bed. Whatever you want to do, you have my support,he said

Caleb led Madeline back to her room and watched her sleep under the quilt

Caleb sat by the bed, holding her hand and looking down at her. The orange light illuminated his face

He seemed rather lonely

Madeline scratched his palm and yawned, Caleb, you should also rest.” 

Tim not sleepy, Caleb sarl 

Caleb waited until she had fallen asleep before leaving the room

As he exited, he gently closed the bedroom door

When he turned around, his gaze turned ice cold

He took out his phone and dialed a number. Come out. Madeline is with

In the meantime, at The Larson residence

It was late at night

A phone call was received from the search and rescue team 

We’ve done everything we can. There’s no one in the reservoir and no one in the vicinity, However, we discovered fragments of clothing in the underground stream, indicating the worstcase scenario. The subterranean stream probably carried the victim away, making rescue impossible, We’ll resume the search tomorrow, but the chances of survival decrease significantly after 48 hours” 

The phone call ended

Henry set down his phone, looking exhausted

She had been carried away by the subterranean stream 

Chapter 31 

bwell on it any further 

Layla didaer date to unter a wond. She was extremely anxious, and her thoughts were in disarray

Maddie is a goud girl. Now that she’s gone, we should prepare a tuumb for bei plaer and chant prayers to bless her. I only hope that she will be able to test dis 

The Lacson family members fell silent

No une spoke except Layla

itaining her personal effects. Tomorrow 1]) ask a priest to visit the 

I’m tires. I’ll be sleeping at the car dealerships tonight, Henry said expressionlessly. He got ups, picked up his things, and left 

Layla tried to hold him back. Henry, you… 

Mom, Henry’s devastated, just let him be. Aren’t you planning to find a priesi (tomorrow? I think you should rest early, Winslet persuaded while holding onto Layla

1 ayla was also upset, so she agreed

Then, Layla and Winslet went to their rooms first

Thomas was in a bad mood and didn’t bother to go hot 

Harley sat on the couch and glanced at Lucas. He said, Laicas, you’re not in a good mood. You should work on adjusting your mindset. It was your fault that you bullied her before, but the deceased won’t come luck. Life goes on, and you shouldn’t dwell on it ” 

Harley, likewise, owed his life to Madeline

He felt both guilty and grateful toward Madeline, but that was all 

As for Jacols, his preskominant cination was embarrassment 

He got up and said. Tim going to bed first. Tomorrow I have to attend Glorious Group’s conference with Dad” 

Meanwhile, Joel’s face darkened. He left without saying a word

Lucas waited for them to leave. Then he looked at Harley so 

solemnly. He said, Why can you guys continue living well after Madeline’s death?” 

We’ve mistreated her, but she died for our sake. Do you know how much she has done to please us?” 

“I don’t know!Harley frowned. Are you suggesting that we all die with her?” 

He seemed to be in great pain. Tm filled with regret and suffering because she died to save me. However, there’s no way now. Do you understand how that feel?” 

ay for me to 

o make it 


to her 

Lucas shook his head and said, It’s true that you don’t understand. To you, she was just a person you hated who sacrificed herself to save you. You feel repulsed, but you don’t feel remorse,” 

Lucas stood up with a cold expression 

He said. You’ll regret it sooner or later. We don’t deserve to be her brothers” 

After Lucas finished speaking, he also left the Larson residence that night

Harley had always been gentle and worked as a college professor

Many students held him in high regard

However, he knew clearly that he was a heartless person under that friendly facade

When Madeline died, he was a little surprised and regretful, but it wasn’t much

Compared to his love for Winslet, his feelings toward Madeline were like that of a stranger

Madeline was just a stranger he hated 

Early in the morning 

The Larson family dined together, and they would no longer talk about Madeline, who Layla hated 

Cluper 31 

However, deep in her heart, a heavy 


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