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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 8


Winsler rejoiced in secret when she heard that. She thought that Madeline was indeed digging her own grave

Madeleine’s relationship with Mom was already in such bad shape, but still, she dares to aggravate her. In retrospect, what Madeleine did will further highlight my merits and make the family members love me even more,Winslet thought

Don’t be angry, Mom. Being angry so early in the morning is bad for your health. Maddie is still young and ignorant. You shouldn’t be bothered by her,said Winslet 

You are still the sensible one, Winnie. Melanie acts without selfrespect and cares not for her own reputation. She’ll regret it when she makes a fool of herself and ends up in a scandal.” 

Winslet glanced at the closed door, a tint of mockery reflected in her expression

It’ll be better if there is a scandal. Then, she absolutely has no cause to compete with me,” thought Winslet scornfully

Madeline, who was in the room, could not hear their conversation. Since she had pulled an allnighter, she was already in deep slumber when she 

hit the sick

She slept until dinner time. Everyone else had finished eating and left the dining table

Lucas was the only one sitting opposite Madeline when she took her seat

He was leaning against the back of his chair and had Bluetooth headphones on 

He looked gloomy and irritated. It was as if dark clouds were hanging over him, which made him feel melancholy

Lucas sighed. The sounds coming from his headphone came from Lynn’s broadcast from the night before

He shook his head and said, I really don’t understand it.” 

Lynn was actually a girl. Her voice sounded great and even familiar. Perhaps she has the voice of the masses. I have always assumed Lynn to be male, or rather, a man with extraordinary gaming skills. To my surprise, her voice is clear and melodious. I reckon that girls like her are very popular with guys. But why has she deleted me! Was it because I have always been rude to her?he pondered

Lucas reflected conscientiously and concluded that he had been very kind to Lynn but in a platonic manner

Is that why Lynn is isolating me?he thought puzzledly

Lucas usually rewarded female streamers with a hefty amount of money. Otherwise, he would not have been known as Mr. Larson

Is she disappointed in mewondered Lucas

Lucas had not given Lynn a penny before. He could not help but blame himself for that realization

How can I treat her as such when she has always invited me to play games with her daily?” 

In truth, he knew deep down that ten or even a hundred female streamers were no match to Lynn’s position in his heart

He shook his head and muttered, If I get another chance, I will not let her down.” 

Madeline was having dinner when she saw Lucas muttering about like a psychopath, but she had no idea what he was doing

There was an air of decadence and melancholy about him. He didn’t look too different from his usual spoiled rich brat demeanor, but the aggressiveness about him had toned down immensely

However, all of that was beyond Madeline’s consideration

She had a live stream that entire night. She needed to eat and drink to her heart’s content 

content to ensure she had the energy to earn money

It was midnight. Once again, Madeline arrived at the internet cafe’s private room and started live streaming as usual

Alexander hard specifically sent her an unopened cold beverage and said. Your presence tonight has brought about much better business” 

Madeline noticed that there were indeed a few guys staring at her

She grunted softly in response 


Then, she heard those guys in a discussion

She looks arrogant and indifferent” 

She’s indeed a pretty lady. Is she good at playing games?” 

the night before.” 

Of course. I heard from the internet cafe’s combat standing record that she had an outrageously amazing game 

me from the 

Madeline had a fan base of a few million when she was at her peak. Naturally, she would not be bothered by the attention

The good news was that her efforts paid off

Her live stream gained a lot of followers that night, and her fan base grew exponentially

Madeline’s tone was much softer, and she even smiled when she said, Thank you 

to you 


Various scrolling comments filled the screen rapidly

[If you wish for Lynn to be less arrogant and indifferent, your reward must be justifiable.

[What a lovely voice. I just love hearing that voice.

[Her hands are pretty to look at too!

Gifts kept coming in incessantly

When Lucas entered Lynn’s livestreaming room, the latter’s popularity had reached more than 300,000 people

He could not contain his anxiety when he saw the familiar account. She was obviously playing games at that time, but why did she delete him? 

He was baffled. He had thought it over repeatedly, which engulfed him in a nightmarish confusion

He started to observe quietly for a short period of time until he heard the background noise, which seemed to be from an internet café

The girl was ordering instant noodles from the waiter

Lucas hurriedly rewarded her with a gift of 200 dollars and said, Go and have something delicious, Lynn. It’s not nutritious to eat just instant 


Soon after, someone noticed Lucas among the scrolling comments. He was, after all, a silverspooned leisure streamer who appeared frequently on the platform often

[Impressive! You are everywhere, Mr. Larson

[Where there is Lynn, there will be Mr. Larson. But why is Lynn live streaming alone?

[I bet Mr. Larson wants to take advantage of someone

[That’s right. To reward such a small gift, it’s no wonder Lynn dismissed it.

Lucas was enraged while looking at the comments and thought. To take advantage of her? Am I that vulgar a person?” 

He humbly resent a friend request, along with a gift worth a few hundred dollars

Lucas leaned back on the costly gaming chair and crossed his arms, Nervousness was written all over his handsome face

I don’t suppose she will turn a blind eye to it in front of so many people on the channel? Besides, I have gifted her more than 1,000 dollars. She should give me some respect

Madeline took a glance at the friend request and ruthlessly rejected it without a second thought

She had no wish to be a pushover anymore. She was cornered to the point where she was cleaned out and had nothing left to give

The scrolling comments came flashing all at once


felt beyond dejected by this. How can this be happening! What kind of misunderstanding had happened between in?” he wondered

was Lynn who appeared and brought him along. That had saved him from being ridiculed and harassed by a group of live 

He remembered that it w stream hosts


He had rarely lost since then 


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