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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112 Enjoy The Show

Eventually, the crowd dispersed, leaving only Jenny and Alec standing in front of Old Mr. Faust. They looked at each other. Neither of them spoke.

Old Mr. Faust was exasperated by the sight. He had created an opportunity for Alec, yet he was silent. Was he supposed to teach him how to speak to his ex-wife?

He glared at Alec, then turned to Jenny with a smile. “Jenny, has Alec been good to you lately? Let me know if he treats you badly, and I’ll deal with him for you.”

Jenny smiled awkwardly and shook her head. “Thank you for the offer, Grandpa, but Mr. Faust has never treated me badly. We’re not that close, after all.”

“Why do you say that? Whatever happens, it’s still fate that the two of you met. Alec was young and rash back then. He didn’t know how to appreciate you. Look, he’s regretting it now.” Old Mr. Faust looked at Alec. If he weren’t so afraid that someone else would get together with Jenny, he wouldn’t have swallowed his pride just to say this.


Jenny looked at Alec in surprise. What had he told Old Mr. Faust?

Alec felt her gaze and turned to her. “I was wrong to treat you like that before, but now…”

“Leave the past in the past,” Jenny interrupted. She had no desire to listen to his compunction. “I didn’t take you to be someone who dwells in the past.”


“Grandpa, I know you didn’t want me to divorce him, but it already happened. Just let it go.” Jenny ignored Alec and turned to Old Mr. Faust. “I still treat you like my own grandfather. Nothing’s changed.”

“You’re right. Nothing’s changed,” Old Mr. Faust replied with a smile, but he had other thoughts in his mind.

How could they be together for better or for worse if they weren’t married?


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