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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150 What Was the Use of Pretending?

When he got to the condominium, Jenny was already at the gates. She looked like she was about to leave. That was why he asked.

“I wanted to see Zack and Gilbert. I don’t want my gates to be surrounded by people every day.” The previous incident made her realize that this matter had to be settled quickly.

“I’ll go with you,” Alec said.

Jenny frowned. She glanced at the wound on his arm. She parted her lips to refuse, but Alec said, “I’m fine. It’s nothing.”

She was speechless. Alright. Since he thought that one large patch of red skin meant nothing, she didn’t. have to pity him..

The car started toward Gilbert’s villa.

Right as they reached the entrance, they bumped into Zack and Gilbert, who were about to leave. Jenny was surprised. “Zack! Gilbert! Where are you guys going?”

“Jenny?” Gilbert was shocked. “Are you alright? We just heard that someone was attacking you and were about to go to your condo.”

“I’m fine.” Jenny shook her head and looked at Zack. “Zack, has the footage been recovered?”

Zack instantly lowered his head, not daring to meet Jenny’s eyes. He felt ashamed. “Not yet. It should be done soon.”

He hadn’t done a lot of footage recovery jobs before. He didn’t think that it would be so hard.

“I’ll do it.” Jenny didn’t blame him. She knew that Zack had already tried his best. This wasn’t his area of expertise.

They went into the villa together. It was then that Gilbert noticed Alec, and he frowned. “Mr. Faust?”

“Gilbert.” Alec nodded.


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