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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 Problem

They caught quite a bit of attention in the grocery store. In addition to their dashing and beautiful appearance, they were not unknown members of the public.

Fortunately, the video recorded by the surveillance cameras in the hotel had been uploaded to the Internet, and it clearly showed that Jenny had been knocked unconscious and brought into the room. It successfully cleared the suspicion surrounding her.

At the moment, the police were spending their best efforts tracking down the burly men who had brought her to the hotel, and they were convinced that useful findings would arrive soon.

“What would you like to eat, Jenny?” Gilbert all but ignored everyone. His gaze was fixed on Jenny as if she was the only person in his world.

Jenny, on the other hand, didn’t like being stared at. She took out a mask from her bag and put it on, “Well, anything is fine. Anything you cook is great.”

“Well, in that case, I’ll decide what we’ll have for dinner,” Gilbert replied..

Jenny nodded in response. Meanwhile, Alec quietly observed them without voicing his opinion. He didn’t mind that Gilbert didn’t ask him what he wanted to eat as he was well aware that Gilbert didn’t even want to invite him to dinner in the first place.

But did he care? No. That wasn’t enough reason for him to leave them alone.

“Does your arm still hurt?” Jenny suddenly turned to look at him, pursing her lips. Her eyes were unreadable.

Alec shook his head. “It’s alright. Don’t worry about it.”

“Who told you I’m worried? I just don’t want to owe you a favor.” She loathed owing favors, especially those that were difficult to repay. In fact, she wished she had been injured instead of being in debt for a favor.

Alec revealed a small smile, not taking offense to her words. “Don’t worry. You don’t owe me anything. I did it willingly, so you aren’t in any way indebted to me.”


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