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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Answer My Questions Properly

Alec was worrying too much, for nothing happened that night.

Early the next morning, Jenny received a call from Mr. Chapman informing her that the man who had knocked her out had been caught. The interrogation had already begun, and he asked if she wanted to drop by.

Jenny immediately agreed to go. After getting ready, she headed out to the police station. When she opened the door, Alec opened the door to his apartment at the same time, as if he had sensed that she was going out.

“Good morning,” Alec said.

“Good morning,” she greeted in return.

After closing their doors, they headed to the elevator together. Jenny broke the silence, saying, “Mr. Chapman said that the culprit has been arrested, so I’m going to the police station.”

“Okay, take care.” Alec couldn’t help smiling, sensing that his relationship with Jenny was improving.

He didn’t follow her to the police station because he had received an unexpected call the night before, so he had to attend to someone else that day. If everything went well, there would be one less obstacle in his pursuit of Jenny.

When Jenny arrived at the police station, she stood outside the interrogation room.

“What is your name?” Mr. Chapman asked.

“Jonathan Flynn.”

“Why did you knock Jenny unconscious?” he asked again, his voice sharp and stern.

Jenny recognized the man sitting opposite Mr. Chapman. He was the man with the best skills that day. She wouldn’t have been knocked out if he hadn’t been there.

Based on her interaction with him, she gauged that his skills were on par with Alec’s. Even if she had fought him alone, she might not have won. It made her wonder how he became Yvonne’s thug.


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